
1. Line Graph(折れ線グラフ) 模範解答と解説 

The line graph illustrates the number of tourists visiting three different museums in London—Museum A, Museum B, and Museum C—from 2000 to 2020.

Overall, all three museums experienced an upward trend in visitor numbers over the 20-year period, although the rates of growth varied. Museum A consistently attracted the highest number of visitors, starting at 150,000 in 2000 and steadily rising to 400,000 in 2020. In comparison, Museum B saw a similar upward trajectory, growing from 100,000 to 320,000 over the same period. Museum C began with the lowest visitor numbers at 80,000 but also witnessed significant growth, ending at 260,000 in 2020.

Notably, the gap between Museum A and the others remained substantial throughout the period, although it narrowed slightly after 2010 as Museum B’s growth accelerated. Museum C exhibited slower growth in the early years but experienced a more pronounced increase in visitor numbers from 2010 onwards. This data highlights a growing interest in cultural tourism in London. (161 Words)

こちらは2000年から2020年までのロンドンにある3つの博物館(Museum A、Museum B、Museum C)の観光客数の推移を示す折れ線グラフです。それぞれの博物館の観光客数の変化を比較することができます。