
IELTS バンドスコア 7+ 対策法!  語彙の豊富さ Collocation / Phrasal Verb (6)

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  語彙の豊富さ
Collocation /  Phrasal Verb  (6)


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「 Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ」で

高い評価を得るために、 Collocation /  Phrasal Verb の習得が必須です。

● Collocation -  単語と単語のよく使われる組み合わせ

● Phrasal Verb - 「get up → 起きる」のように動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ

名詞 + 名詞   Collocations 

以下3つの Collocation は 名詞 + 名詞  の組み合わせです。


Mobile application

He was able to set up a mobile application that helped many of our employees in their HR concerns. It became his big break.

☑Beauty community

The beauty community is expanding online. I see a lot of video uploads and the views are also remarkable.

Coloring books

Coloring books and coloring apps are the new trends suggested to

cope with stress. There’s this study that it relaxes the mind and body.

試験で使える!Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 「 ARTWORK 」

▮質問 1

Are you fond of going to museum?


Yes, I’m fond of going to museums. I’d rather visit a museum than go to the mall or the beach. I have never been that good in art. I can’t paint or draw. But I am proud to say that I do take good photos, and I believe that’s still art. The headteacher in my high school saw my

potential and made me join a contest. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t even appreciate my talent. Although I have to admit, I have to brush up my camera skills since I haven’t taken photos in so long. Anyway, I have only been to a few museums–just local ones. Although it is my dream to visit Louvre in Paris and Guggenheim in Spain. They have amazing artworks done by amazing artists. I’m mostly a fan of abstract and surrealist paintings. Among my favorite artists were Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali. You can look at their paintings and be mesmerized for hours. I do wish I can visit a museum with their artworks. That would be such a dream come true.

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▮質問 2

Describe a painting that you admire.

You should say:

• what the painting is

• who painted the art

• where it is

• And what you think make it



One of the paintings that I admire was Girl Before a Mirror, which was painted by

Pablo Picasso–one of my favorite artists of all time. I remember seeing

it on an encyclopedia when I was still a kid. I was instantly drawn by the

colors, and the way it was painted. It wasn’t like the realistic paintings from the Renaissance era. It was almost cartoonish. I’m not so good at explaining painting techniques since I’m not a painter myself, but I can say that the painting is a play on humanity’s vanity–that our

reflections are different from what we perceive ourselves to be. Well, that’s my take on it. If it were true, I can’t help but remember the beauty community online and how so many

influencers brush off their true personalities and create a persona that everyone will love. I’m not generalizing, it has become prevalent and even people in the community itself admit it. I do love makeup myself and think that it’s also a form of art, but I think many have forgotten that. Anyway, I think Girl Before a Mirror is such a special painting not just because it’s one of  Picasso’s most famous works but also because it’s still relevant decades after it has been made.


● Creativity(創造性)

“Creativity is the key to producing unique and compelling artwork.”

● Expression(表現)

“Art is a powerful form of expression that conveys emotions and ideas.”

● Medium(媒体)

“Choosing the right medium is crucial for the desired effect in artwork.”

● Inspiration(インスピレーション)

“Nature often serves as a source of inspiration for artists.”


“Mastering various techniques allows artists to create diverse forms of artwork.”

● Aesthetics(美学)
“Aesthetics play a crucial role in how an artwork is perceived by its audience.”

● Abstract(抽象)

“Abstract art allows for a wide range of interpretations and emotional responses.”

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