IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法 語彙の豊富さ
Collocation / Phrasal Verb (5)

IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「 Lexical Resource (Vocabulary) 語彙の豊富さ」で
高い評価を得るために、 Collocation / Phrasal Verb の習得が必須です。
● Collocation - 単語と単語のよく使われる組み合わせ
● Phrasal Verb - 「get up → 起きる」のように動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ
形容詞 + 名詞 Collocations
以下3つの Collocation は 形容詞 + 名詞 の組み合わせです。
☑ Big deal
I ate the cake that was placed on the counter. I didn’t think it’d be
a big deal.
☑Best friend
My mom has always been my best friend. She gets me.
☑ Common Language
It’s very important that the HR and finance department share a
common language for us to grow as a company.

試験で使える!Collocation / Phrasal Verb 「LANGUAGE 」
▮質問 1
Are you fluent with another language except your native tongue?

Yes, I’m fluent in English. But besides my native tongue, that’s really it.
I would love to learn another language though. Anyway, I think I did the right thing in learning English, first. I can now communicate with more people, especially online. I can finally speak for myself without using translation tools online, especially after finding out they don’t really do the job well. Also, I can also understand more songs from American singers. I’m a huge fan of music, so finally understanding the lyrics to my favorite songs and finding more that speaks to me is an incredible feeling. I can also watch Hollywood films now without subtitles. It’s
such a big deal for me because I love movies, but I can’t focus on what’s happening in the film when I’m busy reading the subtitles. So, learning English finally made it easier for me to watch and understand what’s happening while knowing what the actors are doing. It’s kind of a liberating feeling. I didn’t know learning another language and being fluent in it can bring such strong emotion.
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▮質問 2
Describe the language that you’d like to study. You should say:
• what language it is
• what countries it is used
• how you can study it
• and why you would to study
the language.

I would love to learn French. I think it’s such a sophisticated language. I often watch videos online of French people speaking their language, and it
seems fun. I love the accent as well. The way they pronounce the words has a romantic vibe to it. I’d also want to learn it, since me and my best friend want to visit France soon. And we would love to speak with the natives. I think many of them aren’t comfortable in English as
well. I know language shouldn’t be a barrier, but it can be tough to visit a
faraway place without knowing even just a few words in their language.
I’ve already seen an online course that teaches basic French, but I’m still
focusing on perfecting my English, so it’ll have to wait. Plus, I also have a
friend who is learning French as well. She’s already an intermediate
speaker, and she has agreed to teach me in the future. In the meantime, I
bought a ‘How to Learn French’ textbook as well as a French dictionary. I tried pronouncing the words with my friend, and she told me to speak up, but when I did, she started laughing so hard. Turns out I’ve been pronouncing every word wrong. Well, I guess French will be hard to learn, but I’m still willing to try it out.
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