
Lesson 35 Female Historical Figures

Lesson 35  Female Historical Figures

Topic Question: “Can you tell me about a famous woman in Japanese history?”

Try Answering the Question Yourself
Consider notable women in Japanese history who have made significant contributions in various fields such as politics, arts, literature, or activism.

Sample Answer

“A famous woman in Japanese history is Tomoe Gozen, a legendary female samurai known for her bravery and skill in battle during the 12th century. She was celebrated for her exceptional swordsmanship.”

Words to Learn and Their Meanings about Sample Answer
 -Pronounce the Words Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Words Instantly

  1. Famous (有名な): Well-known.
  2. Legendary (伝説の): Described in or pertaining to legends.
  3. Female samurai (女性の侍): A woman warrior in feudal Japan.
  4. Bravery (勇気): Courageous behavior or character.
  5. Skill in battle (戦闘技術): The ability to fight well.
  6. Celebrated (称賛される): Honored or praised.
  7. Swordsmanship (剣術): The skills of fighting with a sword.

Answer the Instructor’s Questions Based on the Sample Answer

  1. Who is Tomoe Gozen?
  2. What is Tomoe Gozen famous for?
  3. How is Tomoe Gozen celebrated in Japanese history?

▮ Mastering Middle School English Grammar

Would you like… ? / I’d like…

We use Would you like to… ? to invite somebody:

● Would you like to go for a walk?

● A: Would you like to have dinner with us on Sunday?
  B: Yes, I’d love to. (= I would love to have dinner with you)

● What would you like to do tonight?

I’d like… is a polite way to say “I want.” (I’d like = I would like)

● I’m thirsty. I’d like a drink.
● (in a tourist office) I’d like some information about hotels, please.
● I’m feeling tired. I’d like to stay home tonight.

Would you like… ? and Do you like… ?

Would you like some coffee? = Do you want some coffee?

● A: Would you like to go to the movies tonight?
(= do you want to go tonight?)
  B: Yes, I’d love to.

● I’d like an orange, please.

  (= can I have an orange?)

Do you like… ? / I like…

Do you like coffee? = Do you think coffee is good?

● A: Do you like to go to the movies?(in general)

  B: Yes, I go to the movies a lot.

● I like oranges . (i11 general)

Example Sentences:

  1. Would you like to learn more about Tomoe Gozen?
  2. This is an invitation to express interest in learning more about a historical figure.
  3. I’d like to read a book about Tomoe Gozen.

Make Sentences Based on the Above Example Sentences Yourself: