
Lesson 54  Drugstores for Tourists

Lesson 54   Drugstores for Tourists

Topic Question:  Why are Japanese drugstores so popular among tourists, and what are some recommended products?

No. 1:  Introduction–  First, try answering the question yourself.
The instructor will provide advice on vocabulary, grammar, and expression corrections.

Sample Answer – Let’s read aloud. Instructor will check your pronunciation and accent.

Japanese drugstores are a magnet for tourists, thanks to their wide range of high-quality, innovative, and often unique products. From skincare and cosmetics to over-the-counter medicines, snacks, and household items, these stores offer an extensive selection that caters to both local and international needs. The popularity of these drugstores among tourists is attributed to the reliability of Japanese products, which are known for their effectiveness, attention to detail, and packaging. Additionally, many products available in Japanese drugstores are exclusive to Japan, making them perfect souvenirs. The allure also lies in the shopping experience itself, which is characterized by clean, organized spaces, helpful staff, and the thrill of discovering new products. Some recommended products to look out for include Japanese sunscreen, beauty masks, green tea products, and unique snacks that offer a taste of Japanese innovation and quality.

No. 2:  Vocabulary Building- 5 Words to Learn and Their Meanings
Pronounce the Words Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Words Instantly

  1. Innovative (革新的な, kakushintekina): Featuring new methods; advanced and original.

“Japanese drugstores are known for their innovative products, especially in skincare and cosmetics.”

  1. Reliability (信頼性, shinraisei): The quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well.

“The reliability of products found in Japanese drugstores is a major draw for international tourists.”

  1. Exclusive (独占的な, dokusentekina): Restricted to the person, group, or area concerned.

Many health and beauty products are exclusive to Japan, making them unique souvenirs for tourists.”

  1. Souvenirs (お土産, omiyage): Things that are bought or kept to remind you of a place, person, or event.

“Tourists often seek out exclusive drugstore finds as souvenirs to remember their trip by.”

  1. Discover (発見する, hakken suru): Find something or someone unexpectedly or in the course of a search.

“The joy of discovering new and unique products is a big part of the appeal of Japanese drugstores.”

No. 3:  Key Idiom and Example Sentences
“Hidden gems” – This phrase refers to something which is extremely outstanding and not many people may know about.

“Japanese drugstores are full of hidden gems, from cutting-edge beauty products to unique health items.”

“Tourists often find hidden gems in the aisles of Japanese drugstores, products that become staples upon returning home.”

No. 4:  Discussion and Exchange of Opinions on the Sample Answer
Instructor: What makes Japanese drugstores different from those in other countries? Have you discovered any hidden gems during your visits?

Student: [Opinions of students]

No. 5:  Free Discussion on the Topic
Let’s talk about personal experiences and discoveries in Japanese drugstores. What products were you most surprised by or have come to love? Discuss how these products reflect aspects of Japanese culture and innovation. Additionally, consider how the popularity of Japanese drugstores among tourists impacts local businesses and product offerings. How do you think the trend of shopping at Japanese drugstores will evolve, and what new product categories might emerge as favorites among international visitors? Share tips on navigating drugstores for first-time visitors to Japan.