Lesson 6. Best Friends (親友)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Best friends are the people in our lives who know us deeply and accept us unconditionally. They are our confidants, our support system, and often feel like family. The bond with a best friend is built on trust, mutual respect, shared experiences, and countless memories. Talking about our best friends helps us appreciate the special connection we have with them and can also reveal what we value most in friendships.
▮ Common Phrases:
1. My best friend and I always…
2. I met my best friend when…
3. Something unique about my best friend is…
4. We have a tradition of…
5. My best friend helps me…
▮ Example Sentences:
1. My best friend and I always have a movie night on Fridays.
2. I met my best friend when we were both in kindergarten.
3. Something unique about my best friend is her ability to make anyone laugh.
4. We have a tradition of exchanging handmade gifts every birthday.
5. My best friend helps me stay positive during tough times.
▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss the relationship you have with your best friend. Share how you met, what you enjoy doing together, and what makes your friendship strong. Talk about a memorable moment you’ve shared and how your best friend has impacted your life. If you have any traditions or inside jokes, feel free to share those as well.