
Lesson 3. Favorite Foods (好きな食べ物)

Lesson 3.   Favorite Foods (好きな食べ物)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Food is a universal language that brings people together. Everyone has their favorite foods, dishes that remind them of home, celebrations, or special moments. These can range from simple home-cooked meals to exotic dishes from far-off places. Talking about your favorite foods can not only be a mouth-watering experience but also a way to learn about different cultures, traditions, and personal stories.

▮ Common Phrases:

1. My favorite food is…
2. I love eating…
3. The best meal I’ve ever had was…
4. I have a sweet tooth for…
5. I enjoy cooking…

▮ Example Sentences:

1. My favorite food is sushi, especially salmon nigiri.
2 I love eating homemade pizza with lots of toppings.
3. The best meal I’ve ever had was a seafood paella in Spain.
4. I have a sweet tooth for chocolate cake.
5. I enjoy cooking Thai curry because it’s flavorful and spicy.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your favorite foods and why they hold a special place in your heart. Describe the flavors, textures, and any memories associated with them. Share if there’s a story behind how you came to love these foods. If you enjoy cooking, talk about a dish you love to prepare and the ingredients that make it special.