
Lesson 10. Technological Advancements and Ethics (技術進歩と倫理)

Lesson 10.

Technological Advancements and Ethics (技術進歩と倫理)

▮ Explanatory Text:

The rapid pace of technological advancements presents numerous benefits and conveniences, from improved healthcare and communication to enhanced efficiency in various industries. However, these advancements also raise critical ethical questions regarding privacy, security, inequality, and the impact on society and the environment. Ethical considerations in technology involve evaluating the implications of new technologies on human values, rights, and responsibilities, ensuring that technological progress contributes positively to society without compromising moral principles.

▮ Common Phrases:

1. The ethical implications of technology include…
2. Balancing innovation with ethical considerations means…
3. Privacy concerns in the digital age involve…
4. To ensure ethical use of technology, we must…
5.The debate on artificial intelligence ethics centers around…

▮ Example Sentences:

1. The ethical implications of technology include the potential for increased surveillance and data breaches.
2. Balancing innovation with ethical considerations means developing technologies that enhance lives without infringing on rights.
3. Privacy concerns in the digital age involve the collection and use of personal data by corporations and governments.
4. To ensure ethical use of technology, we must establish clear regulations and guidelines that prioritize human welfare.
5.The debate on artificial intelligence ethics centers around autonomy, decision-making, and the potential for biased outcomes.

▮ Questions:

1. What are the key ethical concerns associated with the rise of big data and surveillance technologies?

This question invites learners to discuss the implications of large-scale data collection and surveillance on privacy and individual freedoms.

2. How can we balance the benefits of technological innovation with the need to protect privacy and ensure security?

Participants explore strategies for achieving a balance between technological progress and the protection of privacy and security.

3&4 . In what ways do technological advancements exacerbate inequality, and how can these issues be addressed?

This prompts a discussion on the role of technology in widening or bridging socioeconomic gaps, considering solutions to mitigate inequality.
Discuss the ethical considerations involved in the development and deployment of artificial intelligence.

Learners examine the ethical challenges posed by AI, including issues of bias, accountability, and the impact on employment.

5. What role should governments, corporations, and individuals play in ensuring the ethical use of technology?

This question encourages a debate on the responsibilities of different stakeholders in governing the ethical aspects of technological advancements.

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Choose a technological advancement that interests you, and discuss its ethical implications. Consider the potential benefits and risks, and propose ways to address the ethical challenges it presents. Reflect on the role of ethics in guiding technological development and usage.