
Lesson 3. Artificial Intelligence and Society (人工知能と社会)

Lesson 3.

Artificial Intelligence and Society (人工知能と社会)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly become a transformative force in various aspects of society, from healthcare and education to entertainment and transportation. While AI offers remarkable opportunities for innovation and efficiency, it also raises significant ethical, privacy, and employment concerns. Understanding the balance between leveraging AI for societal benefits and managing its risks is essential for future development.

▮ Common Phrases:

AI can enhance/improve…
The ethical dilemma surrounding AI involves…
One concern with AI technology is…
By integrating AI, we can…
The future of AI in society looks…

▮ Example Sentences:

AI can improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses.
The ethical dilemma surrounding AI involves issues of privacy and surveillance.
One concern with AI technology is the potential loss of jobs in certain sectors.
By integrating AI, we can achieve greater efficiency in public transportation.
The future of AI in society looks promising, but it requires careful regulation.

▮ Questions:

1.What are some potential benefits of AI in society, and how can they change our lives?

2. This question encourages learners to think about the positive impacts of AI and its applications in improving various societal functions.
What ethical concerns does AI raise, and how should they be addressed?

3. Participants discuss the moral implications of AI, such as privacy, consent, and decision-making, and consider possible solutions to these issues.
How do you think AI will affect employment and job opportunities in the future?

4. This prompts a discussion on the economic implications of AI, including the potential for both job creation and job displacement.
Can you give an example of how AI has impacted a sector (e.g., healthcare, education) and what this means for its future?

5. Learners are asked to identify specific instances of AI application and reflect on the long-term consequences for the sector.
What role should governments and international organizations play in regulating AI?

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Choose an aspect of AI that interests you the most. Discuss its current and potential future impacts on society, considering both the opportunities it presents and the challenges it poses. Reflect on how society can navigate these challenges to ensure that AI contributes positively to human welfare.