
TOEIC Writing 2「Respond to a written request」- English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Lesson Course Name: TOEIC Writing ‘Respond to a written request’ 2

▮ Number of Lessons: 40 lessons (40 questions) (Please take as many as you need)

Standard Required Time: Creation of one reply email = 25 minutes (1 lesson)

▮ Materials: Original materials. Materials (questions) Picture 1 to Picture 5

Note: Materials will be presented by the instructor via screen sharing during the lesson. No preparation is necessary.

▮ Lesson Overview

Just like in the actual test, you will create reply emails under the instructor’s guidance without prior study, receiving corrections and advice along the way to formulate model answers.

▮ Assignment Overview

Read an email of approximately 25-50 words and compose a reply. You will read an email displayed on the screen and write a reply according to the instructions given in the question. The email will include tasks such as ‘ask a question,’ ‘provide information,’ ‘make a suggestion,’ etc., with three tasks instructed. Your reply must contain responses to all three instructed tasks.

Note: In the actual exam, two questions will be presented, and you must compose an email for each within 10 minutes.

▮ Evaluation Criteria

Quality and diversity of sentences