
Lesson 9. Sustainable Living Practices (持続可能な生活慣行)

Lesson 9.

Sustainable Living Practices (持続可能な生活慣行)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Sustainable living practices are ways of reducing one’s carbon footprint and living in harmony with the planet. These practices aim to minimize waste, conserve natural resources, and support the well-being of ecosystems and communities. From reducing energy consumption and embracing renewable energy sources to supporting local and sustainable food systems, sustainable living encompasses a wide range of actions that contribute to a healthier planet. It’s about making conscious choices that ensure the long-term health and survival of our environment.

▮ Common Phrases:

1. Reducing energy consumption can be achieved by…
2. Supporting local economies helps because…
3. One way to minimize waste is…
4. Adopting a plant-based diet contributes to…
5. To live sustainably, we must…

▮ Example Sentences:

1. Reducing energy consumption can be achieved by using energy-efficient appliances and lighting.
2. Supporting local economies helps reduce the carbon footprint associated with transporting goods.
3. One way to minimize waste is by practicing recycling and composting.
4. Adopting a plant-based diet contributes to lower greenhouse gas emissions from food production.
5. To live sustainably, we must consider the environmental impact of our daily choices.

▮ Questions:

1. What are some simple changes you can make in your daily life to live more sustainably?

This question encourages learners to think about and discuss practical and achievable ways to incorporate sustainable practices into their lives.

2. How does reducing energy consumption contribute to environmental sustainability?

Participants explore the relationship between energy use, fossil fuel dependency, and environmental impact, discussing the benefits of energy conservation.

3. Why is supporting local economies considered a sustainable practice, and how can you participate in it?

This prompts a discussion on the importance of local sourcing for sustainability and ways individuals can support local businesses and agriculture.
Discuss the environmental benefits of minimizing waste through recycling, composting, and reusing materials.

Learners examine the impact of waste reduction on resource conservation and environmental health, sharing ideas for minimizing waste in everyday life.

4. What role does diet play in sustainable living, and how can altering dietary choices impact the environment?

This question invites learners to discuss the connection between food production, dietary habits, and environmental sustainability, considering the effects of different diets on the planet.

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Select a sustainable living practice that you find interesting or that you’re passionate about. Discuss its benefits, challenges, and how it can be implemented in individual lifestyles or communities. Reflect on how adopting such practices can contribute to a more sustainable future for the planet.

Lesson 8. Space Exploration (宇宙探査)

Lesson 8.   Space Exploration (宇宙探査)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Space exploration has captivated humanity for decades, pushing the boundaries of our knowledge and capabilities. It encompasses the study of outer space with the aid of astronomy and space technology to explore celestial structures and understand the universe beyond our planet. The endeavor not only seeks to answer fundamental questions about our place in the universe but also to develop technologies that benefit life on Earth. Key topics include manned missions to other planets, the search for extraterrestrial life, and the potential for human colonization of other worlds.

▮ Common Phrases:

1. The final frontier offers…
2. Exploring outer space helps us…
3. One of the challenges of space exploration is…
4. The potential for discovering life beyond Earth…
5. Advances in space technology have led to…

▮ Example Sentences:

1. The final frontier offers unlimited opportunities for scientific discovery and innovation.
2. Exploring outer space helps us understand more about Earth’s environment and climate.
3. One of the challenges of space exploration is ensuring the safety of astronauts on long-duration missions.
4. The potential for discovering life beyond Earth fuels our curiosity and drives many space missions.
5. Advances in space technology have led to improvements in communication, navigation, and Earth observation.

▮ Questions:

1. Why is space exploration important, and what benefits does it bring to humanity?

This question encourages learners to reflect on the value of exploring space and its impact on science, technology, and society.

2. What do you think are the biggest challenges facing space exploration today?

Participants discuss the technical, ethical, and financial obstacles to further space exploration efforts.

3. How do advances in space technology contribute to our daily lives on Earth?

This prompts a discussion on the practical applications of space technology, including GPS, weather forecasting, and telecommunications.

4. What are your thoughts on the search for extraterrestrial life? What implications would such a discovery have?

Learners explore the possibility of life beyond Earth and consider the scientific and philosophical consequences of such a find.

5. Do you think human colonization of other planets is feasible or desirable? Why or why not?

This question invites learners to debate the prospects and ethics of colonizing other celestial bodies, considering both the opportunities and challenges.

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Choose a specific aspect of space exploration that interests you the most. Discuss its current state, future prospects, and how it might affect our understanding of the universe and our place within it. Consider both the scientific and societal implications of this area of exploration.

Lesson 7. Cultural Diversity (文化的多様性)

Lesson 7. Cultural Diversity (文化的多様性)

Explanatory Text:

Cultural diversity refers to the variety of cultural expressions, traditions, languages, and ways of life present within societies and across the globe. Embracing cultural diversity means acknowledging and valuing the differences among people while recognizing our common humanity. This concept is fundamental in promoting mutual understanding, respect, and collaboration among individuals from different backgrounds. Exploring cultural diversity can enhance creativity, foster innovation, and contribute to more inclusive societies. This topic invites learners to delve into the complexities of cultural diversity, its benefits, challenges, and its significance in the contemporary world.

Common Phrases:

  • Celebrating cultural differences involves…
  • The challenges of cultural diversity include…
  • Cross-cultural communication is key to…
  • Inclusive societies can be fostered by…
  • Understanding cultural diversity helps in…

Example Sentences:

  • Celebrating cultural differences involves learning about and participating in other cultural traditions.
  • The challenges of cultural diversity include overcoming stereotypes and prejudice.
  • Cross-cultural communication is key to building bridges between diverse communities.
  • Inclusive societies can be fostered by policies that promote equality and access to opportunities for all.
  • Understanding cultural diversity helps in creating more empathetic and open-minded communities.


  1. Why is cultural diversity important in today’s global society?
    • This question encourages learners to consider the value of cultural diversity in fostering global understanding and cooperation.
  2. What are some effective ways to celebrate and promote cultural diversity within communities and workplaces?
    • Participants explore practical strategies for enhancing cultural appreciation and inclusivity in various settings.
  3. How can individuals overcome challenges related to cultural diversity, such as stereotypes and language barriers?
    • This prompts a discussion on overcoming common obstacles to cultural integration and mutual understanding.
  4. What role do education and media play in shaping our perceptions of cultural diversity?
    • Learners examine the influence of education and media on attitudes towards cultural diversity and discuss ways to promote positive representation.
  5. Can you share an example of a cultural experience that broadened your understanding or appreciation of another culture?
    • This question invites learners to reflect on personal experiences that have enhanced their appreciation for cultural diversity.

Discussion Instructions:

Reflect on your own cultural background and another culture that interests you. Discuss the similarities and differences in values, traditions, and practices, and consider how these cultures can learn from each other. Think about how promoting cultural diversity can contribute to more harmonious and inclusive societies.

Lesson 6. Climate Change Solutions (気候変動の解決策)

Lesson 6.

Climate Change Solutions (気候変動の解決策)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Climate change poses one of the most significant challenges of our time, threatening ecosystems, human health, and economies globally. Addressing climate change requires a multifaceted approach, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, enhancing energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable agriculture and forestry practices. This topic explores potential solutions that can mitigate the impacts of climate change and safeguard the planet for future generations.

▮ Common Phrases:

1.Reducing our carbon footprint involves…
2. Transitioning to renewable energy can…
3. Energy efficiency measures include…
4. Sustainable agriculture practices are…
5. To combat climate change, we need to…

▮ Example Sentences:

1.Reducing our carbon footprint involves using public transportation and consuming less meat.
2.Transitioning to renewable energy can decrease our reliance on fossil fuels.
3.Energy efficiency measures include upgrading to LED lighting and improving building insulation.
4.Sustainable agriculture practices are essential for reducing methane emissions and enhancing carbon sequestration.
5. To combat climate change, we need to support policies that promote environmental sustainability.

▮ Questions:

1. What are some effective ways individuals can reduce their carbon footprint?

2. This question encourages learners to consider personal actions that contribute to climate change mitigation.
How can the transition to renewable energy sources impact the fight against climate change?

3. Participants discuss the benefits and challenges of moving away from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.
Why is energy efficiency important in addressing climate change, and what steps can be taken to improve it?

4. This prompts a discussion on the significance of energy efficiency and practical measures to reduce energy consumption.
What role does sustainable agriculture play in climate change solutions, and how can it be implemented?

5. Learners explore the impact of agriculture on the environment and ways to promote sustainable practices.
In your opinion, what are the most critical policies needed to combat climate change effectively?

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Select a solution to climate change that you find compelling or promising. Discuss its potential impacts, challenges in implementation, and how it can be promoted at the individual, community, or policy level. Reflect on the role that each of us can play in contributing to these solutions.

Lesson 5. The Future of Work (働き方の未来)

Lesson 5. The Future of Work (働き方の未来)

▮ Explanatory Text:

The future of work is being shaped by rapid technological advancements, globalization, and changing societal values. These forces are transforming where, how, and when we work, introducing new opportunities and challenges. Topics such as remote work, automation and AI, the gig economy, and the need for lifelong learning are at the forefront of discussions about the future workplace. Understanding these trends is essential for preparing for the evolving job market and ensuring a resilient career path.

▮ Common Phrases:

1. The rise of remote work has…
2. Automation is expected to…
3. In the gig economy,…
4. Lifelong learning is crucial because…
5. To prepare for the future of work, we must…

▮ Example Sentences:

1. The rise of remote work has changed the traditional office environment.
2. Automation is expected to replace some jobs but also create new opportunities.
3. In the gig economy, flexibility and independence are valued over job security.
4. Lifelong learning is crucial because the skills required in the workforce are constantly changing.
5. To prepare for the future of work, we must adapt to new technologies and develop versatile skills.

▮ Questions:

1. How do you think the rise of remote work will impact workplace culture and employee well-being?

This question encourages learners to consider the effects of remote work on the social and professional aspects of employment.

2. What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of automation in the workplace?

Participants discuss the dual-edged nature of automation, considering both its efficiency gains and the risk of job displacement.

3. How does the gig economy redefine traditional employment, and what implications does this have for workers?

This prompts a discussion on the characteristics of the gig economy and its impact on labor rights and job security.

4. Why is lifelong learning important in the context of the future of work, and how can individuals engage in it?

Learners explore the importance of continuous education and strategies for staying relevant in a rapidly changing job market.

5. What skills do you believe will be most valuable in the future workplace, and why?

This question invites learners to speculate on the skills that will be in demand and to consider how they can develop these skills.

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Choose a trend related to the future of work that interests you the most. Discuss how this trend is currently evolving and predict its impact on the job market and society at large. Reflect on how individuals and organizations can adapt to these changes to thrive in the future workplace.

Lesson 4. Mental Health Awareness (メンタルヘルスの認識)

Lesson 4.

Mental Health Awareness (メンタルヘルスの認識)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Mental health is as important as physical health, yet it often receives less attention and resources. Awareness and understanding of mental health issues are crucial for creating supportive environments where individuals feel safe to seek help and discuss their experiences. This includes recognizing symptoms of mental illness, reducing stigma, and promoting well-being through various support systems and practices.

▮ Common Phrases:

It’s okay to not be okay.
Mental health should be a priority.
Reducing the stigma around mental illness involves…
Everyone deserves access to mental health care.
Self-care strategies include…

▮ Example Sentences:

It’s okay to not be okay, and asking for help is a sign of strength.
Mental health should be a priority for everyone, not just those who are struggling.
Reducing the stigma around mental illness involves open and honest conversations.
Everyone deserves access to mental health care, regardless of their background.
Self-care strategies include mindfulness, exercise, and connecting with loved ones.

▮ Questions:

1. Why is it important to raise awareness about mental health, and how can this be achieved?

2. This question encourages learners to discuss the significance of mental health awareness and suggest ways to promote understanding and support in their communities.
What are some common misconceptions about mental illness, and how can they be countered?

3. Participants explore and debunk myths surrounding mental health, fostering a more informed and empathetic dialogue.
How can individuals and communities support those experiencing mental health challenges?

4. This prompts a discussion on practical steps and strategies for offering support and creating a nurturing environment for mental health.
Can you share examples of effective self-care practices that contribute to mental well-being?

5. Learners are invited to share personal or known strategies that help maintain or improve mental health, emphasizing the diversity of self-care practices.
What role do you think education and media play in shaping our understanding of mental health?

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Reflect on the importance of mental health awareness and consider your own experiences or observations related to this topic. Discuss how society can better support mental health and well-being, including steps individuals can take to contribute to a more understanding and compassionate environment.

Lesson 3. Artificial Intelligence and Society (人工知能と社会)

Lesson 3.

Artificial Intelligence and Society (人工知能と社会)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly become a transformative force in various aspects of society, from healthcare and education to entertainment and transportation. While AI offers remarkable opportunities for innovation and efficiency, it also raises significant ethical, privacy, and employment concerns. Understanding the balance between leveraging AI for societal benefits and managing its risks is essential for future development.

▮ Common Phrases:

AI can enhance/improve…
The ethical dilemma surrounding AI involves…
One concern with AI technology is…
By integrating AI, we can…
The future of AI in society looks…

▮ Example Sentences:

AI can improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses.
The ethical dilemma surrounding AI involves issues of privacy and surveillance.
One concern with AI technology is the potential loss of jobs in certain sectors.
By integrating AI, we can achieve greater efficiency in public transportation.
The future of AI in society looks promising, but it requires careful regulation.

▮ Questions:

1.What are some potential benefits of AI in society, and how can they change our lives?

2. This question encourages learners to think about the positive impacts of AI and its applications in improving various societal functions.
What ethical concerns does AI raise, and how should they be addressed?

3. Participants discuss the moral implications of AI, such as privacy, consent, and decision-making, and consider possible solutions to these issues.
How do you think AI will affect employment and job opportunities in the future?

4. This prompts a discussion on the economic implications of AI, including the potential for both job creation and job displacement.
Can you give an example of how AI has impacted a sector (e.g., healthcare, education) and what this means for its future?

5. Learners are asked to identify specific instances of AI application and reflect on the long-term consequences for the sector.
What role should governments and international organizations play in regulating AI?

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Choose an aspect of AI that interests you the most. Discuss its current and potential future impacts on society, considering both the opportunities it presents and the challenges it poses. Reflect on how society can navigate these challenges to ensure that AI contributes positively to human welfare.

Lesson 2. Globalization and Its Effects (グローバリゼーションとその影響)

Lesson 2.

Globalization and Its Effects (グローバリゼーションとその影響)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Globalization refers to the process by which nations become more interconnected and interdependent through increased trade, communication, and cultural exchange. While globalization has led to economic growth and cultural diversity, it also presents challenges such as job displacement, cultural homogenization, and environmental degradation. Understanding both the positive and negative impacts of globalization is crucial for navigating the complexities of our modern world.

▮ Common Phrases:

Globalization has led to…
One major impact of globalization is…
A positive/negative aspect of globalization is…
To mitigate the negative effects of globalization, we can…
The debate on globalization revolves around…

▮ Example Sentences:

Globalization has led to increased economic opportunities.
One major impact of globalization is the spread of cultural influences.
A positive aspect of globalization is the access to a wider range of products.
To mitigate the negative effects of globalization, we can promote fair trade.
The debate on globalization revolves around its impact on local economies and cultures.

▮ Questions:

1 . How has globalization impacted your country or local community?

2. This question invites learners to reflect on and discuss the tangible impacts of globalization they have observed in their own lives and surroundings.
What do you see as a positive outcome of globalization, and why?

3. Participants are encouraged to identify and share their views on the beneficial aspects of globalization, fostering a balanced discussion.
Can you identify a negative consequence of globalization? How should it be addressed?

4. This prompts learners to think critically about the challenges posed by globalization and propose potential solutions or responses.
How does globalization affect cultural identity and diversity?

5. Here, the discussion can explore the complex dynamics between globalization and cultural exchange, preservation, and transformation.
What role do you think technology plays in globalization, and is this role predominantly positive or negative?

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Choose one aspect of globalization that you find particularly interesting or important. Discuss its impacts, both positive and negative, and consider how societies can harness the benefits of globalization while minimizing its drawbacks.

Lesson 1. Environmental Issues (環境問題)

Lesson 1 : Environmental Issues (環境問題)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Environmental issues like pollution and global warming are big challenges. We need to protect our planet for future generations. Talking about these issues raises awareness and can inspire action.

▮ Common Phrases:

I am worried about…
We should…
It’s important to…
One solution is…
We can make a difference by…

▮ Example Sentences:

I am worried about plastic pollution.
We should recycle more.
It’s important to save water.
One solution is using renewable energy.
We can make a difference by recycling more and reducing waste to help protect the environment.

▮ Questions

  1. Why are you worried about environmental issues, and which issue concerns you the most?

This question encourages participants to express their personal concerns regarding environmental issues, allowing for a discussion on various topics such as pollution, global warming, deforestation, etc.

  1. In what ways do you think we should address the problem of plastic pollution?

This prompts participants to think about and discuss specific actions or policies that could be implemented to tackle the issue of plastic pollution, drawing on the common phrase “We should…”

  1. Why do you believe it’s important to save water, and how can individuals contribute to this effort?

This question invites participants to reflect on the importance of water conservation and to share practical tips or strategies that people can adopt in their daily lives.

  1. Can you think of a solution using renewable energy that could help combat global warming?

Here, participants are asked to consider renewable energy solutions as a way to mitigate global warming, encouraging them to apply the idea that “One solution is…”

  1. How can we make a difference in protecting the environment through our daily actions?

This final question challenges participants to think about how the collective actions of individuals can have a positive impact on the environment, inspired by the phrase “We can make a difference by…”

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Discuss an environmental issue you are concerned about.

Topic Discussion for Global Issues

English Site

★ 全ての講師が担当します。

▮ レッスンコース名:  Topic Discussion for Global Issues   

▮ レベル    :   中級~上級者  CEFR B1~C1 , 英検2級~1級, TOEIC 600 ~900 

▮ レッスン数  :    50 レッスン (必要な分だけ受講してください)

▮ レッスンの特徴・効果

☑ 科学、文化、芸術、社会問題などについて講師とディスカッション。
☑ グローバル時代必須トピックについて自分の意見・主張が話せるようになります。
☑ レッスン時間は、トピックについてのスピーキングが中心になります。         ☑   IELTS,TOEFL,TOEIC, 英検1級・準1級など スピーキングテストのスコアアップ。

▮ レッスン アクティビティ

1 .1つのトピックについての短い解説を読みます。
2. トピックでよく使われる表現や語彙を5つ覚えます。
3. 表現や語彙を用いて短い英文を作成します。
4. トピックについての質問に答えた後、講師とディスカッションを行います。

Topic 一覧  (レッスンコース 目次)

Lesson 1. Environmental Issues (環境問題)
Lesson 2. Globalization and Its Effects (グローバリゼーションとその影響)
Lesson 3. Artificial Intelligence and Society (人工知能と社会)
Lesson 4. Mental Health Awareness (メンタルヘルスの認識)
Lesson 5. The Future of Work (働き方の未来)
Lesson 6. Climate Change Solutions (気候変動の解決策)
Lesson 7. Cultural Diversity (文化的多様性)
Lesson 8. Space Exploration (宇宙探査)
Lesson 9. Sustainable Living Practices (持続可能な生活慣行)
Lesson 10. Technological Advancements and Ethics (技術進歩と倫理)
Lesson 11. Education Systems Around the World (世界の教育制度)
Lesson 12. Gender Equality (ジェンダー平等)
Lesson 13. The Impact of Social Media (ソーシャルメディアの影響)
Lesson 14. Urbanization and Its Challenges (都市化とその課題)
Lesson 15. Renewable Energy Sources (再生可能エネルギー源)
Lesson 16. Animal Rights and Conservation (動物の権利と保護)
Lesson 17. The Digital Divide (デジタルディバイド)
Lesson 18. Health and Nutrition (健康と栄養)
Lesson 19. Immigration and Multiculturalism (移民と多文化主義)
Lesson 20. The Role of the United Nations (国連の役割)
Lesson 21. Cybersecurity Threats (サイバーセキュリティの脅威)
Lesson 22. Economic Crises and Recovery (経済危機と回復)
Lesson 23. The Ethics of Genetic Engineering (遺伝子工学の倫理)
Lesson 24. The Influence of Music on Culture (音楽が文化に与える影響)
Lesson 25. Public vs. Private Education (公教育と私教育)
Lesson 26. The Future of Transportation (交通の未来)
Lesson 27. The Gig Economy (ギグエコノミー)
Lesson 28. Waste Management and Recycling (廃棄物管理とリサイクル)
Lesson 29. Water Scarcity and Conservation (水不足と保全)
Lesson 30. The Rise of Virtual Reality (仮想現実の台頭)
Lesson 31. Social Entrepreneurship (社会起業家精神)
Lesson 32. The Evolution of Language (言語の進化)
Lesson 33. Human Rights Issues (人権問題)
Lesson 34. The Impact of Tourism (観光の影響)
Lesson 35. Digital Education and Online Learning (デジタル教育とオンライン学習)
Lesson 36. The Role of Art in Society (社会における芸術の役割)
Lesson 37. The Changing Nature of Families (家族の形の変化)
Lesson 38. Food Security and Agriculture (食料安全保障と農業)
Lesson 39. The Psychology of Happiness (幸福の心理学)
Lesson 40. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (人工知能の倫理)
Lesson 41. Global Health Challenges (グローバルヘルスの課題)
Lesson 42. The Future of Cryptocurrencies (仮想通貨の未来)
Lesson 43. Sports and Society (スポーツと社会)
Lesson 44. Sustainable Fashion (持続可能なファッション)
Lesson 45. The Role of Media in Democracy (民主主義におけるメディアの役割)
Lesson 46. The Impact of Global Warming on Biodiversity

Lesson 47. The Future of Food: Biotechnology and GMOs

Lesson 48. The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behavior

Lesson 49. The Role of Technology in Education (教育における技術の役割)
Lesson 50. Privacy and Data Protection (プライバシーとデータ保護)