
EIKEN G-Pre1  Question Format Renewal – Summary Task― English Site

Japanese Site

EIKEN Grade Pre 1  Writing     Added ‘Summary’ task to existing ‘Opinion’ task.

Sample question

●   Read the article below and summarize it in your own words as far as possible in English.
●  Suggested length: 60–70 words
●  Write your summary in the space provided on your answer sheet. Any writing outside the space will not be graded.


Constructing Logical Structure ⇒ Care is taken to establish a logical structure, including causal relationships, to maintain the same logical flow as the original text. The summary simplifies the presentation of the main argument and the flow of the original text.     Paragraph One SummaryParagraph Two SummaryParagraph Three Summary

Model Answer

Evaluation Criteria

Answers will be graded on four aspects: content, structure, vocabulary, and grammar.
Each perspective is evaluated on a 5-point scale from 0 to 4 points, with a maximum score of 16 points.