
EIKEN Grade 2 Writing Opinion Task― English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name:   EIKEN Grade 2 Writing Opinion Task
▮ Number of Lessons:   70 lessons – 70 questions [Standard: 1 question = 1 lessons(25 min)]

(Please take as many lessons as necessary based on the student’s judgment.)

▮ Features:
● Utilizes exam-like questions and past papers.
● Develops the ability to write essays on a wide range of topics.

▮ Materials:Materials will be provided by the instructor during the lesson time. Those who need to prepare in advance should request the next lesson’s materials (multiple lessons are possible) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first 20 lessons can be downloaded from this link Lesson1 ~ 20 

 Lesson Overview
Students prepare their response texts in advance, and during the lesson, based on the student’s response, the instructor provides corrections and advice while creating a model answer.

━━ Lesson Procedure ━━

① It is recommended to prepare in advance. Create your response texts in a word file or similar format.
(If you want to proceed with the lesson in a realistic and tense environment, you can proceed without preparation.)

② Standard completion time for one question is 25 minutes (1 sessions). If it cannot be completed within 25 minutes, it will be extended to 50 minutes, which equals 2 sessions.

③ During the lesson, drop your sentences (grouped by sentence or paragraph) into the instructor’s chat box, and the instructor will provide corrections.

The instructor will share the answer text on the screen for the student to see while making corrections sentence by sentence. Finally, overall advice will be given on the completed essay.

④ If the completion is not possible during the lesson, the instructor will provide the student with the answer text up to that point in a document file (Word or OpenOffice Writer).

⑤ The student should complete the response text before the next lesson and submit it to the instructor during the lesson.

⑥ In the second lesson, the instructor will correct the completed text on the shared screen. Corrections, advice, and completing the response text will be tailored to the student’s level in the writing lesson.

▮ Tensaku-kun (Correction Service):
Without using the communication app (mytutor APP, Skype, ZOOM), the instructor corrects the response texts submitted by the student within 48 hours and sends the feedback to the student’s email and mypage. While the system provides the questions, students can also prepare their own questions. For the correction of EIKEN Grade 2 English writing (80-100 words), 1 points are required (2 points in case of instructor request).