
目的-英検1級 無料体験予約中 講師への連絡未記入 ZOOM)



受講目的:      EIKEN Grade 1

テスコスコア履歴:  未登録







体験レッスンでご希望のレッスンがございましたらレッスン内容を「講師への連絡」からお伝えください。 例:EIKEN Grade 1 Writing Opinion Task (英字で入力してください。)









IELTS Lesson Course Summary – English Site

Japanese Site

● 担当講師: 全ての講師が担当します。(All tutors are responsible for this course)

● IELTS対策 受講マニュアル (レベル別コースの選び方)How to choose course

● 受講プランと料金 (Course Plans and Fees)

● FREE MINI TEST(実践IELTS 英単語3500 他)使い放題!

 ≪Course Contents≫

IELTS Speaking (Mock Test)  (類似問題を使った模試形式)  Most popular!
IELTS Speaking Crash Course (採点基準の重要スキルを学ぶ

IELTS Speaking  Useful Phrase Course (使えるフレーズ、頻出する語彙や文法を学ぶ)New!

IELTS Writing Academic  (類似問題を使ったライティング標準クラス)
IELTS Writing General   (類似問題)
IELTS Writing Basic Course (初級者向け)
IELTS Writing Crash Course (採点基準の重要スキルを学ぶ)

IELTS Reading Past Exam Academic (過去問を使ったリーディング標準クラス)
IELTS Reading Academic  (解答テクニックを基礎から学ぶ)

IELTS Reading Past Exam General (過去問を使ったリーディング標準クラス)
IELTS Reading General   (解答テクニックを基礎から学ぶ)

IELTS Listening Past Exam  (過去問を使ったリーディング標準クラス)

TOEFL Junior Lesson Course Summary – English Site


Japanese Site

TOEFL Primary コース概要はこちら➤

担当講師: 全ての講師が担当します。 (All tutors are responsible for this course)

● 「TOEFL Junior」 、「TOEFL Junior Master」 2つのコースの違い

● 英検 CEFRとの対照表及び TOEFL Junior テストについて

● 受講プランと料金 (Course Plans and Fees)

▮ TOEFL Junior      (類似問題、リーディングのみ2段階レベル分け)

▮ TOEFL Junior Master Basic (初級者向け)

▮ TOEFL Junior Master Intermediate (中級者向け)

▮ TOEFL Junior Master Advance   (上級者向け)

▮ Perfect TOEFL Junior Practice Test(Book1~3) (練習問題)

TOEFL iBT Lesson Course Summary – English Site

Japanese Site

● TOEFL iBT は全ての講師が担当します。(All tutors are responsible for this course)

● TOEFL対策 受講マニュアル (レベル別コースの選び方)How to choose course

● 受講プランと料金 (Course Plans and Fees)

● 無料ミニテスト(TOEFL 英単語3800 他)使い放題!

≪Course Contents≫

TOEFL Speaking Mock Test  (類似問題を使った模試形式) Most popular!

TOEFL Speaking Starter    (リスニング、リーディングなしの初心者け)

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Basic (初級者向け)

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Basic (2) (初級者向け(2))

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Intermediate (中級者向け)

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Intermediate (2) (中級者向け(2))

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Advance (上級者向け)

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Advance (2) (上級者向け(2))

TOEFL Writing Mock Test (類似問題を使った模試形式)

TOEFL Reading Basic (初級者向け)

TOEFL Reading Regular (類似問題)

TOEFL Listening Mock Test (類似問題を使った模試形式)

TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Basic (初級者向け)

TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Intermediate (中級者向け)

TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Advance (上級者向け)

TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Advance – English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it.

▮ Course Name:   TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Advance – Sample Material

▮ Level:       CEFR C1, TOEIC 900 and above, Eiken Grade 1

▮ Number of Lessons:   33 lessons (Please take as many as you need)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:    33 lessons – Contents

▮ Teaching material: You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Characteristics:
● Targeting TOEFL advanced learners who aim for 25 points in the Listening section
● Unique question composition with Gist-Content Question and helpful hints that guide to the correct answers
● The ‘Listening Mock Test Seminar’ uses similar problems and past questions to provide instruction tailored to the level of the students. On the other hand, ‘Perfect Master’ provides unique training created to accurately understand the Gist-Content (Main Point-Content) of lectures and conversations.

▮ Course Overview:

Using difficult questions, the ‘Lecture’ and ‘Conversation’ are advanced by different types of problems.
We guide you to the correct answer with our unique question composition (Gist-Content Question).
With a study method that follows the guide and helpful hints, this is a training to accurately answer the questions.
It focuses on how well the students understand the entire story. As the students are asked to understand the main point of the story, they are required to recognize the main points of the lecture and the reason why people are having a conversation.

TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Intermediate – English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it.

▮ Course Name:  TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Intermediate – Sample Material

▮ Level:       CEFR B1~B2,  TOEIC 700~900,  EIKEN Grade 2 ~Pre 1 

▮ Number of Lessons:      33 lessons (Please take as many as you need)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:    33 lessons – Contents

▮ Teaching material:  You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Characteristics:
● Targeting TOEFL advanced learners who aim for 20 points in the Listening section
● Unique question composition with Gist-Content Question and helpful hints that guide to the correct answers
● The ‘Listening Mock Test Seminar’ uses similar problems and past questions to provide instruction tailored to the level of the students. On the other hand, ‘Perfect Master’ provides unique training created to accurately understand the Gist-Content (Main Point-Content) of lectures and conversations.

▮ Course Overview:

Using average level questions, the ‘Lecture’ and ‘Conversation’ are advanced by different types of problems.
We guide you to the correct answer with our unique question composition (Gist-Content Question).
With a study method that follows the guide and helpful hints, this is a training to accurately answer the questions.
It focuses on how well the students understand the entire story. As the students are asked to understand the main point of the story, they are required to recognize the main points of the lecture and the reason why people are having a conversation.

TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Basic – English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it.

▮ Course Name:  TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Basic – Sample Material

▮ Level:       CEFR B1, TOEIC 600 ~ 700, Eiken Grade 2

▮ Number of Lessons:   33 lessons (Please take as many as you need)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:  33 lessons – Contents

▮ Teaching material:   You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Characteristics:
● Targeting TOEFL advanced learners who aim for 15 points in the Listening section
● Unique question composition with Gist-Content Question and helpful hints that guide to the correct answers
● The ‘Listening Mock Test Seminar’ uses similar problems and past questions to provide instruction tailored to the level of the students. On the other hand, ‘Perfect Master’ provides unique training created to accurately understand the Gist-Content (Main Point-Content) of lectures and conversations.

▮ Course Overview:

Using easy questions, the ‘Lecture’ and ‘Conversation’ are advanced by different types of problems.
We guide you to the correct answer with our unique question composition (Gist-Content Question).
With a study method that follows the guide and helpful hints, this is a training to accurately answer the questions.
It focuses on how well the students understand the entire story. As the students are asked to understand the main point of the story, they are required to recognize the main points of the lecture and the reason why people are having a conversation.

TOEFL Listening Mock Test – English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it.

▮ Course Name: TOEFL Listening Mock Test

▮ Level: CEFR B1 and above, TOEIC 550 and above, Eiken Grade 2 and above

▮ Number of Lessons: 53 lessons (Please take only the necessary number of lessons)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons: 50 lessons

▮ Teaching material:  You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Features:

● Following the format of the actual exam, the lessons cover both “Lecture” and “Conversation” sections.
● The estimated time required per lesson varies based on the proficiency level of the learner.
    Advanced learners: 1 mock test = 1 lesson (25 minutes)
    Beginner to intermediate learners: 1 mock test = 2 lessons (50 minutes)

Lesson Overview:
Please solve (preparation) the materials (questions) to be used in the lesson in advance. During the lesson, you will engage with the instructor in checking the answers, learning how to approach the questions, and discussing important points and vocabulary related to the passages.

TOEFL Reading Regular – English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it.

▮ Course Name:  TOEFL Reading Regular   Sample Material

▮ Level:  CEFR B1 and above, TOEIC 550 and above, Eiken Grade 2 and above

▮ Number of Lessons:  70 lessons (Please take only the necessary number of lessons)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:  50 lessons

▮ Teaching material:  You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Features:

The passages used in the lessons have the same word count and difficulty level as actual test questions.
Practical exercises using the same question types as the actual exam.

Lesson Overview:
Please solve (preparation) the materials (questions) to be used in the lesson in advance. During the lesson, you will engage with the instructor in checking the answers, learning how to approach the questions, and discussing important points and vocabulary related to the passages.

TOEFL Reading Basic – English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it.

 Lesson Course Name: TOEFL Reading Basic  Sample Material

▮ Level:        CEFR A2, TOEIC 400-550, Eiken Grade Pre-2~2

 Number of Lessons:           50 Lessons (take as many as you need)

 Recommended Number of Lessons:  50 Lessons

▮ Teaching material:  You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Features:

● We use passages that are shorter and easier than the actual exam questions
● Since lessons are designed for each question type, you can easily get used to the TOEFL’s question format

▮ Overview of Lessons:

Please complete all the materials (questions) used in the lesson in advance (as preparation). The lesson will be a session with the instructor to review the answers, learn how to tackle the questions, and discuss important points in the passage and vocabulary-related lessons.