
JHS Entrance Exam Interview Course ―English Site

Japanese Site

★ All instructors will accommodate.

▮ Course Name:  JHS Entrance Exam English Interview Course

※ JHS =Junior High School 

▮ Number of Lessons: 30 to 50 lessons
Please take as many lessons as you need, according to your preference.

The pace of the course varies depending on the learner’s level.

▮ Materials: Original materials (we have prepared a wide range of anticipated questions)
Additionally, students are welcome to prepare their own questions and provide them to the instructor.

▮ Lesson Format: Students will respond to questions posed by the instructor. Based on these responses, the instructor will provide corrections and advice as the lesson progresses. Participation is welcomed regardless of whether the student has prepared in advance.”

Questions ― Contents

Can you tell me about yourself?

Why do you want to attend our school?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

What is your favorite book and why?

Can you describe a challenge you’ve faced and how you overcame it?

Who is your role model and why?

What are your hobbies?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What subjects do you like and dislike?

How do you handle stress?

What makes you happy?

Tell me about a time you showed leadership

What is your favorite animal and why?

Describe a memorable event in your life.

How do you work in a team?

What book are you currently reading?

What do you think about teamwork?

Can you tell me about a project you are proud of?

What is your favorite subject in school and why?

How do you plan to contribute to our school community?

What do you think is the most important quality in a friend?

Describe a time when you helped someone.

What are your future goals?

How do you manage your time effectively?

Tell me about a time you overcame a fear.

What is your greatest achievement?

How do you stay motivated?

Can you tell me about your elementary school life?

What was your favorite activity in elementary school?

How have you grown since starting elementary school?

Are you applying to any other schools besides ours?

How did you find the written exam?

How do you plan to commute to school if you are accepted?

How do you interact with your friends?

What do you value most in your friendships?

Do you have someone you admire?

For elite middle schools

※ You are evaluated on how well you can logically articulate your own opinions and originality.

Lesson 1.  If you don’t get on the spaceship, you will die. But if there’s only room for one more person, what would you do?

Lesson 2. If you could go back in time for just 5 minutes, to which moment would you return?

Lesson 3.  If you were stranded on a deserted island, which one book would you choose to bring?

Lesson 4 If you could become any animal, which animal would you choose to be? Please explain why.

Lesson 5. What superpower would you choose to have? How would you use that power?

Lesson 6. If you could experience the world 100 years from now for just one day, what would you want to do?

Lesson 7.  If you could change one event in history, what would it be? And why?

Lesson 8.  What does your ideal world look like? Please describe the characteristics of this world.

Lesson 9.  If you could be someone else for just one day, who would you choose to be? And why

Lesson 10. If you had the chance to travel to space, would you want to go? Or would you prefer to stay on Earth? Please explain your reasons.

Lesson 11. If you could have one wish granted, what would you wish for?

Lesson 12. If you could live for just one day in any historical period, which era would you choose to go back to? Why?

Lesson 13. If you could travel anywhere in the world for free, where would you go? Please explain why.

Lesson 14. What profession do you want to pursue in the future? What are the reasons for choosing that profession?

Lesson 15. If you could instantly learn one skill, what would it be? Please explain why.

Lesson 16. If you could send a message to yourself in the past, what age would you choose and what would you say?

Lesson 17. If you could change the world, how would you change it? Please explain your reasons.

Lesson 18. If you could go to a different world, what kind of world would you like to visit? Please explain why.

Lesson 19. If you could create one law, what law would you make? Why did you choose that law?

Lesson 20. If you could go back to the past for just one day, which day would you return to? What is the reason for choosing that day?

Lesson 21. If you could become fluent in one language, which language would you choose? Why did you choose that language?

Lesson 22.

If you were the leader of a country for a day, what policies or changes would you implement to benefit your citizens and the world at large?

Lesson 23.

Suppose you could switch lives with someone for a week. Whose life would you choose, and what do you think you would learn from the experience?

Lesson 24. 

If you could eliminate one global issue, such as poverty, climate change, or discrimination, which one would you address, and how would you tackle it?

Lesson 25. 

Imagine a scenario where you could relive one day of your life repeatedly. Which day would you choose, and why is it significant to you?

Lesson 26. 

If you were offered a ticket to travel to any planet in our solar system, where would you go, and what would you hope to discover or experience there?

Lesson 27.  

Suppose you wake up one day with the ability to speak and understand all languages. How would you use this newfound skill to make the world a better place?

Lesson 28.  

If you had to choose between saving a loved one or saving a hundred strangers, what would you do and why?

Lesson 29.  

If you had the ability to speak and understand all the languages in the world, how would you use this skill to make the world a better place?

Lesson 30.  

If you were given the opportunity to meet any historical figure, who would you choose to meet, and what questions would you ask them?

Lesson 31.  

If you could live in a fictional world from a book or movie, which world would you choose to live in and why?

Lesson 32.  

If you could create a new holiday that everyone in the world would celebrate, what would it be called, and how would people celebrate it?

Lesson 32.

If you could have a conversation with an alien from another planet, what would you ask them, and what would you want them to know about Earth?

Lesson 34.

If you could change one thing about the education system in your country, what change would you make, and why do you think it’s important?

Lesson 35.  

If you had the power to instantly eliminate one global issue (e.g., hunger, poverty, disease), which issue would you choose to eliminate, and how would you do it?

Lesson 36.  

If you could live in any era of history, past or future, when and where would you choose to live, and what kind of life would you lead?

Lesson 37.  

If you were given the ability to communicate with animals, how would you use this ability to benefit animals and the environment?

中学受験 英語面接試験対策コース― JHS Entrance Exam Interview Course

English Site

※ 全ての講師が対応します。

※ 中学入試 英語面接対策について

※ 志望校の英語試験対策をご希望の場合は、ぜひご連絡ください。過去問など参考になる資料をご提供いただけましたら、それを基に問題を作成し、カスタマイズした対策コースをご提案させていただきます。

▮ レッスンコース名 : JHS Entrance Exam Interview Course 

             (中学受験 英語面接試験対策コース)

▮ レッスン数 : 10~30 レッスン



▮ 教材 :  オリジナル教材(想定される質問をたくさん用意しています)


▮ レッスンの進め方: 講師が出す質問に対して受講者が回答します。その回答を基に、講師が添削やアドバイスを行いながらレッスンを進めていきます。予習の有無に関わらず、受講者の参加は歓迎されます。

出題が予想される質問 ― 初級~中級

Can you tell me about yourself?

Why do you want to attend our school?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

What is your favorite book and why?

Can you describe a challenge you’ve faced and how you overcame it?

Who is your role model and why?

What are your hobbies?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What subjects do you like and dislike?

How do you handle stress?

What makes you happy?

Tell me about a time you showed leadership

What is your favorite animal and why?

Describe a memorable event in your life.

How do you work in a team?

What book are you currently reading?

What do you think about teamwork?

Can you tell me about a project you are proud of?

What is your favorite subject in school and why?

How do you plan to contribute to our school community?

What do you think is the most important quality in a friend?

Describe a time when you helped someone.

What are your future goals?

How do you manage your time effectively?

Tell me about a time you overcame a fear.

What is your greatest achievement?

How do you stay motivated?

Can you tell me about your elementary school life?

What was your favorite activity in elementary school?

How have you grown since starting elementary school?

Are you applying to any other schools besides ours?

How did you find the written exam?

How do you plan to commute to school if you are accepted?

How do you interact with your friends?

What do you value most in your friendships?

Do you have someone you admire?

上級 - 難関中学向け For elite middle schools

※ きちんと論理立てて自分の意見(オリジナリティー)を述べているかが評価されます。 

You are evaluated on how well you can logically articulate your own opinions and originality.

Lesson 1. 「宇宙船に乗れないと死んでしまう。でもあと一人しか乗れない場合、あなたはどうしますか?」
 If you don’t get on the spaceship, you will die. But if there’s only room for one more person,
what would you do?

Lesson 2. 「もし時間を5分だけ戻せるとしたら、どの瞬間に戻りたいですか?」
If you could go back in time for just 5 minutes, to which moment would you return?

Lesson 3. 「無人島に持っていくなら、どんな一冊の本を選びますか?」
If you were stranded on a deserted island, which one book would you choose to bring?

Lesson 4. 「もし動物になれるとしたら、どの動物になりたいですか?その理由も教えてください。」
If you could become any animal, which animal would you choose to be? Please explain why.

Lesson 5. 「あなたが選ぶスーパーパワーは何ですか?そのパワーをどのように使いますか?」
What superpower would you choose to have? How would you use that power?

Lesson 6. 「もし100年後の世界を一日だけ体験できるとしたら、どんなことをしたいですか?」
If you could experience the world 100 years from now for just one day, what would you want to do?

Lesson 7. 「もし歴史の中で一つの出来事を変えられるとしたら、何を変えますか?その理由は?」
If you could change one event in history, what would it be? And why?

Lesson 8.  「あなたにとって理想の世界はどのようなものですか?その世界の特徴を教えてください。」
What does your ideal world look like? Please describe the characteristics of this world.

Lesson 9.  「もし一日だけ別の人になれるとしたら、誰になりたいですか?その理由も教えてください。」
If you could be someone else for just one day, who would you choose to be? And why

Lesson 10.  「宇宙旅行に行くチャンスがあったら、行きたいですか?それとも地球に残りたいですか?理由も教えてください。」
If you had the chance to travel to space, would you want to go? Or would you prefer to stay on Earth? Please explain your reasons.

Lesson 11. 「もし何でも願いを一つだけ叶えられるとしたら、何を願いますか?」
If you could have one wish granted, what would you wish for?

Lesson 12. 「もし歴史の中で一日だけ生きることができたら、どの時代に戻りたいですか?その理由は?」
If you could live for just one day in any historical period, which era would you choose to go back to? Why?

Lesson 13. 「もし世界のどこでも無料で旅行できるとしたら、どこに行きたいですか?その理由も教えてください。」
If you could travel anywhere in the world for free, where would you go? Please explain why.

Lesson 14. 「将来、どんな職業に就きたいですか?その職業を選んだ理由は何ですか?」
What profession do you want to pursue in the future? What are the reasons for choosing that profession?

Lesson 15. 「もし一つの技能を瞬時に習得できるとしたら、何を選びますか?その理由も教えてください。」
If you could instantly learn one skill, what would it be? Please explain why.

Lesson 16. 「もし過去に一つのメッセージを送ることができるとしたら、何歳の自分に何を伝えますか?」
If you could send a message to yourself in the past, what age would you choose and what would you say?

Lesson 17. 「世界を変えることができるなら、どのように変えたいですか?その理由も教えてください。」
If you could change the world, how would you change it? Please explain your reasons.

Lesson 18. 「もし異世界に行くことができるとしたら、どのような世界に行きたいですか?その理由も教えてください。」
If you could go to a different world, what kind of world would you like to visit? Please explain why.

Lesson 19. 「もし一つの法律を作ることができるとしたら、どんな法律を作りますか?その法律を選んだ理由は?」
If you could create one law, what law would you make? Why did you choose that law?

Lesson 20. 「もし一日だけ過去に戻ることができるなら、どの日に戻りたいですか?その日を選んだ理由は何ですか?」
If you could go back to the past for just one day, which day would you return to? What is the reason for choosing that day?

Lesson 21. 「もし一つの言語を話せるようになるとしたら、どの言語を選びますか?その言語を選んだ理由は何ですか?」
If you could become fluent in one language, which language would you choose? Why did you choose that language?

Lesson 22. [1日だけ国のリーダーとしての立場にいるとしたら、市民と世界全体に利益をもたらすためにどのような政策や変更を実施しますか?]

If you were the leader of a country for a day, what policies or changes would you implement to benefit your citizens and the world at large?

Lesson 23. 「1週間だけ他の誰かの人生と入れ替わることができるとしたら、誰の人生を選び、その経験から何を学ぶと思いますか?」

Suppose you could switch lives with someone for a week. Whose life would you choose, and what do you think you would learn from the experience?

Lesson 24. 「ある一つの世界的な問題(貧困、気候変動、差別など)を解決できると仮定します。どの問題に取り組み、どのように対処しますか?」

If you could eliminate one global issue, such as poverty, climate change, or discrimination, which one would you address, and how would you tackle it?

Lesson 25. 「自分の人生の中で1日を繰り返し体験できるシナリオを想像してみてください。どの日を選び、それはなぜあなたにとって重要なのですか?」

Imagine a scenario where you could relive one day of your life repeatedly. Which day would you choose, and why is it significant to you?

Lesson 26. 「太陽系内のどの惑星に行くチケットがもらえるとしたら、どの惑星に行き、そこで何を発見したり体験したりしたいと思いますか?」

If you were offered a ticket to travel to any planet in our solar system, where would you go, and what would you hope to discover or experience there?

Lesson 27.  「あらゆる言語を話し、理解できる魔法の力を持っていると仮定します。この能力を使って世界をより良い場所にするためにどのように活用しますか?」

Suppose you wake up one day with the ability to speak and understand all languages. How would you use this newfound skill to make the world a better place?

Lesson 28.  「自分の愛する人と100人の見知らぬ人を助ける選択を迫られた場合、どちらを選びますか?その理由は何ですか?」

If you had to choose between saving a loved one or saving a hundred strangers, what would you do and why?

Lesson 29.  「もし、世界中の言語を話し理解できる能力があったら、それを使って世界をどのように良くするために活用しますか?」

If you had the ability to speak and understand all the languages in the world, how would you use this skill to make the world a better place?

Lesson 30.  「もし、過去の歴史上の有名な人物に会う機会が与えられたら、誰に会い、どのような質問をしますか?」

If you were given the opportunity to meet any historical figure, who would you choose to meet, and what questions would you ask them?

Lesson 31.  「本や映画の架空の世界に住むことができるとしたら、どの世界を選び、なぜその世界を選びますか?」

If you could live in a fictional world from a book or movie, which world would you choose to live in and why?

Lesson 32.  「もし、世界中の人々が祝う新しい祝日を作ることができるとしたら、それは何と呼ばれ、人々はどのように祝うと思いますか?」

If you could create a new holiday that everyone in the world would celebrate, what would it be called, and how would people celebrate it?

Lesson 32.  「もし、他の惑星の宇宙人と会話できるとしたら、彼らに何を尋ね、地球について知ってほしいことは何ですか?」

If you could have a conversation with an alien from another planet, what would you ask them, and what would you want them to know about Earth?

Lesson 34.  「もし、自国の教育制度を1つ変えることができるとしたら、どのような変更を行い、なぜそれが重要だと思いますか?」

If you could change one thing about the education system in your country, what change would you make, and why do you think it’s important?

Lesson 35.  「もし、瞬時に1つの世界的な問題(飢餓、貧困、疾病など)を解消する力があるとしたら、どの問題を解消するか、そしてそれをどのように解決しますか?」

If you had the power to instantly eliminate one global issue (e.g., hunger, poverty, disease), which issue would you choose to eliminate, and how would you do it?

Lesson 36.  「もし、歴史のどの時代でも未来でも生きることができるとしたら、いつ、どこで生きることを選び、どのような生活を送りますか?」

If you could live in any era of history, past or future, when and where would you choose to live, and what kind of life would you lead?

Lesson 37.  「もし、動物とコミュニケーションを取る能力が与えられたら、どのようにして動物と環境のために活用しますか?」

If you were given the ability to communicate with animals, how would you use this ability to benefit animals and the environment?

ネイティブのリアル英語  bumper to bumper(渋滞している)



ネイティブのリアル英語 bumper to bumper 渋滞している




今回はそんな「渋滞」を表すスラング ”bumper-to-bumper ”をご紹介します

bumper とは車の前後にあるバンパーです。


The traffic was bumper to bumper.  渋滞がひどかった



▮ bumper to bumperのように単語の繰り返しでの表現には以下のようなものがあります。

  • mouth to mouth 人工呼吸
  • face to face/ head to head 面と向かって
  • eye to eye 真剣に、真摯に
  • house to house 戸別の
  • land to land 地対地の
  • door-to-door 宅配の、全行程含めて

例文 1

A:I’m afraid I’m going to be late.


B:Why? Where are you now?


A:I’m in Shibuya now. The traffic is bumper to bumper. It’s going to take some time.


B:Alright. Be careful.




例文 2

A. The traffic is bumper to bumper all the way to the airport.    


B. Oh no. Should I take the train?


A. Looks like you should. I’ll drive you to the station.


「  bumper to bumper 渋滞している 」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

It took me two hours to get home because of all the bumper-to-bumper traffic and I only live a few miles from work!


It took me two hours to get home because of all the heavy traffic and I only live a few miles from work!


 It took me two hours ta get home because of all the bumper-da-bumper traffic an’ I only live a few miles fr’m work!

同義語 : a traffic jam , the traffic is heavy.

bumper を使ったイディオム

● Bumper Crop: 豊作

The farmers had a bumper crop this year, which means there will be plenty of apples for everyone.

● Bumper-Sticker Rhetoric: 深みのない単純かつ表面的な政治スローガン

His speeches are full of bumper-sticker rhetoric but no real substance.

● Up On One’s Bumper: 他の車が自分の車に非常に接近して走行したとき

The driver got up on my bumper, trying to make me speed up.

● Fanny-Bumper: 多くの人が集まり、互いにぶつかり合うようなイベント。

The concert turned out to be a fanny-bumper with everyone jostling for a view.

● Get off my bumper!: 車が非常に近づいていることへの不満を表す表現。または、一般に人が非常に監視していることやしつこくついてくることへの不満を表す。

Get off my bumper, I know what I’m doing!

IELTS バンドスコア 7+ 対策法!  Topic Word 6「HISTORY」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法 Topic Word (テーマ別単語) 6 


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「 Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ」で

高い評価を得るために、Topic Word (テーマ別単語) の習得が必須です。

試験官は、質問のトピック(テーマ)にどれほど、受験者がTopic Word を


  例えば、環境問題について話をするとき、climate change, pollution levels などの単語が


Topic Word    テーマ別単語  「HISTORY」 

以下、5つの単語は「HISTORY」に関連したTOPIC WORDです。


試験で使える!Topic Word   「HISTORY」 

HISTORIC   歴史的に有名な、由緒(ゆいしよ)のある

┃ 定義

┃ 例文

┃  Collocation 連語

INSIGHT  洞察(力)、眼識、識見


┃ 例文

┃  Collocation 連語

PROMINENT  卓越した、傑出した


┃ 例文

┃  Collocation 連語

その他「HISTORY」に関連したTOPIC WORD 10 Words

  1. Archaeology (考古学)

Archaeologists excavated ancient ruins to uncover clues about past civilizations.

  1. Revolution (革命)

The French Revolution drastically altered the course of history with its call for liberty and equality.

  1. Artifact (人工遺物)

The museum’s collection includes artifacts dating back to the Bronze Age.

  1. Monarchy (君主制)

The concept of divine right was fundamental to the power of European monarchies in the medieval period.

  1. Colonization (植民地化)

Colonization led to the spread of European cultures and the displacement of indigenous populations around the world.

  1. Treaty (条約)

The Treaty of Versailles was signed after World War I, imposing heavy reparations on Germany.

  1. Renaissance (ルネサンス)

The Renaissance marked a period of significant cultural rebirth in Europe, starting in Italy.

  1. Civilization (文明)

The ancient Mesopotamian civilization is considered one of the cradles of human culture.

  1. Empire (帝国)

The Roman Empire at its height controlled vast territories across Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

  1. Historiography (史学)

Historiography is the study of historical writing and its methods, reflecting how historians interpret past events.

「Topic Word」をインストラクターと一緒にレッスン!

月額制プラン― クレジットカードでお支払い

月額制プラン ― クレジットカードでお支払い方法

1. ホームページ上段メニュー「料金案内」をクリックします。

2. 月額制プランを選んで 「購読」ボタンをクリックします。

3. デビットカードまたはクレジットカードで支払うをクリックします。

4.  画面表示が 以下のように「銀行」が選択されている場合は、 「カード」

クリックして カード 情報入力画面に切り替えてください。

5. クレジットカード情報を入力→ PayPalアカウント作成するかの問いに答える(☑いいえ。今は開設しません)→ 「同意して定期購入」をクリックします。




※ 対処法

Paypal クレジットカードでの定期購読(月額制プラン)支払設定ができない原因を


PayPal カスタマサポート:固定電話から0120-271-888 携帯電話から 03-6739-7360


また、今回ご利用のクレジットカード以外のクレジットカード(VISA, MASTER)でお試しいただくこともご検討いただけますと幸いです。

ネイティブのリアル英語 [blowout] タイヤのパンク  



ネイティブのリアル英語  blowout タイヤのパンク

車のタイヤが「パンク」したと言うとき、思い浮かぶ英単語は punk ではないでしょうか。 

音楽ジャンルとしての「パンク」はこちらの punk です。


「タイヤがパンクした」という場合のパンクは、実は puncture を省略した表現です。


例 He had his car tire punctured.


ただし、英語では puncture を略して punk とは基本的に言いません。


句動詞の “blow out” で、「吹き消す、ふっ飛ばす、爆破する」。このイメージで

車用語で “blowout” で「パンクすること」という意味になります。 

タイヤの空気が抜けてぺたんこになった状態は flat と表現できます。


My head is going to explode.

explode  【動】…爆発する、パンクする

「   blowout タイヤのパンク 」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

I was late to work because I got a blowout on the highway this morning.


I was late to work because I got a punctured tire on the highway this morning.


I w’z late ta work ’cuz I god a blowoud on the highway this morning.

blow を使ったイディオム

● Blow one’s top – (怒りで)かんかんになる
When she found out the wedding cake was ruined, she completely blew her top.

● Blow one’s own trumpet – 自慢する
He’s always blowing his own trumpet, which can be quite annoying at times.

● Blow off steam – ストレスを発散する
After the exam, we all went out to blow off steam.

● Blow a fuse – 激怒する
My dad blew a fuse when he saw the dent in his new car.

● Blow the whistle – 不正を告発する
The employee blew the whistle on the company’s illegal activities.

● Blow one’s mind – 非常に驚かせるまたは感動させる
The finale of the show completely blew my mind!

● Blow it – 失敗する
I had a chance to win the game, but I totally blew it.