IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法 ディスコースマーカー 10 VERACITY「真実」

IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Fluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性」で
▮ディスコースマーカー 機能表現

● Sample 1:
She is confident in her all her lessons. So without a doubt, she’ll ace this test.

● Sample 2:
I heard she’s fat but in reality, she’s looks gorgeous. Fake news!

VERACITY「真実」 の ディスコースマーカー

Absolutely :絶対的に、無条件に、きっぱりと、完全に、
As a matter of fact :実際のところ
Assuredly : 自信を持って、確かに
Certainly :確かに、きっと間違いなく
Doubtless : 疑いなく、多分、おそらく、
Genuinely : 心から、 純粋に
In actuality : 本当のところ、実の事を言うと
In reality : 実は、実際に、本当に
Indisputably : 議論の余地がなく、明白に
Literally : 文字どおりに、逐語的に、誇張なしに、
Obviously : 明らかに
Officially : 公式に、正式に
Strictly speaking :厳密に言えば
Undeniably : 否定できないほど、紛れもなく、明白に
Without a doubt : 迷うことなく
試験で使える! ディスコースマーカーを使った回答文
● 問題
Do you think people should be polite?
Use ‘just so you’re aware’ in the beginning of your answer.

● Sample Answer:
Yes, I definitely think people should be polite–and not just to elders and people who are above them in status. I believe everyone should be kind and polite to everyone who deserves it, even when they are younger than you or has a lower status in life as yours. Politeness goes a long way. It can literally change someone’s mood for the better. That’s why be kind and be polite always.
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IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法 ディスコースマーカー 9 TOPIC CHANGES「話題転換」/ DISCLAIMER「情報伝達」

IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Fluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性」で
▮ディスコースマーカー 機能表現

● Sample 1:
Everything here is set – the lights, food, cameras. Oh, by the way, you did to get our costumes later.

Explanation: The speaker is saying something and shifted from preparation to picking up.
● Sample 2:
Please be advised that you have to be at the airport 4 hours before your international flight.

Explanation: It shows that the speaker is giving the responsibility to the passenger at the airport.
TOPIC CHANGES「話題転換」 の ディスコースマーカー

By the way : ところで、ついでながら
Incidentally : ついでに(言えば)、ついでながら、ところで
To update you : 最新情報をお伝えすると
On a different note : 別の話ですが
Speaking of which : そういえば
While we’re on the subject : その話のついでだけど
DISCLAIMER「情報伝達」 のディスコースマーカー
FYI, For your information : ご参考までに
(Just) so you know : ご存知だと思いますが
(Just) so you’re aware : ご存知だと思いますが
Be advised : ご承知おきください
試験で使える! ディスコースマーカーを使った回答文
1. Do you think it’s important to read the news every day?
Use ‘just so you’re aware’ in the beginning of your answer.

● Sample Answer:
Yes, I do believe it’s important to read or watch the news every day. Just so you’re aware, I was a campus journalist during my high school years, so I might be biased here. But I personally believe knowing the news every day makes you more informed. If you know what’s happening around you, you can respond to it accordingly. And while we’re on the subject of news, I also think people should be aware of fake news. It’s everywhere, and it can cause confusion and chaos if we don’t know how to double-check our sources.