
ネイティブのリアル英語 cut down on 減らす、縮約する
cut down on [something] は、~を控える(摂り過ぎに注意する)、減らす、
という意味で使います。 食べ物や飲み物を勧められて断る際などにも便利な
フレーズです。 無駄 – wastefulness, 家計や経済におけるのはwasteful
● cut down と cut down on の違い
He cuts down his drinking. 飲酒という、行為を減らす。
He cuts down on his drinking. 酒の量(あるいは酒に使う金)を減らす。

例文 1
A.Would you like some dessert?
B.No, thank you. I’m trying to cut down on sugar.
例文 2

A.Our inspection tour’s been canceled.
A.The company is trying to cut down on our traveling expenses.
「 cut down on 減らす、縮約する 」 習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:
I love desserts, but I’m trying to cut down because I’ve started to put on weight!
I love desserts, but I’m trying to eat less of them because I’ve started to put on weight!
I love desserts, bud I’m trying ta cut down ’cuz I’ve starded da pud on weight!
cut を使ったイデオム
● Cut to the chase : 要点に入る、本題に入る
Instead of wasting time with small talk, let’s cut to the chase and discuss the main issue at hand.
● Cut corners : いいかげんにやる、手を抜く
He finished the project quickly by cutting corners, but the quality suffered as a result.
● Cut it out : やめろ、止めろ
The children were making too much noise, and their mother told them to cut it out.
● Cut and dried : 簡単な、予測可能な
The outcome of the game was cut and dried, with the stronger team winning by a large margin.
● Cut the mustard : 要求を満たす、成功する
She applied for the job, but unfortunately, her qualifications didn’t quite cut the mustard.
Cut your losses