
TOEIC Target 800 Course- English Site

▮Lesson course name:       TOEIC Target 800 Course

● Maximum number of lessons:  60 lessons (please take only as many as you need)
● Target level:          TOEIC 650 points ~ 790 points (Recommended for those

                 with a score of 800 or above)

▮ Main Features of the Lesson
An output-centered lesson to develop speed reading skills and practical application in conversational situations. Building an ‘English brain’ that comprehends without translating.

▮ Structure of the Lesson Course

▮ Lesson Details

● Instant English Composition with Pictures:
Answering several subjects, actions, objects, and locations based on the pictures and composing sentences about them. The faster you can create grammatically and structurally correct English sentences, the faster you will comprehend listening and reading.

● Practice using Listening Simulated Questions.

● Pronunciation Similar Words Questions.

● Mastering Techniques to Solve Problems Quickly:
○ Identifying Question Types – Multiple Choice, Yes/No, Tag Questions
○ Eliminating Options – Words found in the question, Similar sounding words

● Instant English Composition using Interrogative Words based on the answers/Instant English Composition based on the questions

● Strengthening Pronunciation and Keywords of Frequently Used Words in Conversations.
● Learning Answering Techniques – Scanning Keywords from Common Question Patterns and Conversation Audio to Select the Right Choice.
● Instant English Composition using Frequently Used Idioms.
● Solving Audio-based Similar Questions using Conversations with High Question Occurrence.

● Answering Technique ①
Searching for Keywords based on the Question and Options.
● Answering Technique ②
Focusing on Keywords in the Explanation based on the Question.
Learning Question Formats, Common Themes, and Vocabulary.
● Solving Audio-based Similar Questions using Explanatory Texts with High Occurrence in Questions.
● Strategies for Handling Trick Questions.

● Advanced Grammar [Phrases and Clauses, Indicative Mood, Imperative Mood, Subjunctive Mood, Conditional Sentences, Past Subjunctive, Past Perfect Subjunctive, Future Subjunctive, IT, THERE, Inversion, and other noteworthy grammar points]
● Practice Exercises – Fill in the Blanks and other exercises with short sentences.
● Practice Exercises 2 – Sentence Completion and Instant English Composition.
● Instant English Composition using Frequently Used Grammar.
● Frequently Used Grammar – Sentence Rewriting Exercises.
● Practical Test with Similar Questions.

● Speed Reading Techniques using Frequently Used Texts – Skimming.
● Review of Easily Misunderstood Vocabulary in Frequently Used Texts.
● Check of Understanding for Frequently Used Vocabulary – Text Completion Exercises.
● Review of Easily Misunderstood Grammar Questions in Frequently Used Texts.
● Check of Understanding for Frequently Used Grammar – Text Completion Exercises.
● Answering Technique 1 – Answering from the Question without reading before and after sentences.
● Answering Technique 2 – Not falling for typical trap questions.
● Answering Technique 3 – Distinguishing between similar meaning vocabulary.
● Practice predicting content from Headings and Titles in Frequently Used Texts.
● Practical Test with Similar Questions.

● Answering Technique 1 – Understanding the characteristics of frequently used text formats.
● Answering Technique 2 – Summarizing key points from flyers and advertisements.
● Answering Technique 3 – Grasping the structure, content, and purpose of notifications.
● Answering Technique 4 – Grasping the structure, keywords, and key points of frequently used passages.
● Answering Technique 5 – Learning essential phrases and idioms for speed reading.
● Answering Technique 6 – Learning conjunctions necessary for speed reading.
● Practical Test with Similar Questions

TOEIC Target 650 Course- Tutor Site

▮Lesson course name:       TOEIC Target 650 Course

● Maximum number of lessons:  80 lessons (please take only as many as you need)
● Target level:          TOEIC 500 points ~ 690 points

▮ Main Features of the Lesson
We will improve your grammatical and vocabulary skills. This lesson is designed to dramatically enhance the listening and speed reading skills necessary for boosting your score.

▮ Structure of the Lesson Course

▮ Lesson Details

● Instant English composition by looking at pictures:
Find several subjects by looking at the picture, answer related actions and situations, and compose about the picture.
The faster you can create grammatically and syntactically correct English sentences, the faster you will be able to understand through listening and reading.
Common mistakes:
● Practice being mindful of tricky questions, such as pronunciation and word usage

● ① Enhance vocabulary that can be subjects (people, objects). Find the central figures or objects (subjects) in a photo description and describe the actions or states of the subjects.
② Learn vocabulary, actions, and expressions in situations and locations that are often tested.
● Practice further enhancing vocabulary related to actions, states, and expressions in situations and locations that are often tested

● Learn patterns of causality and problem-solving used in questions and answers/ Memorize vocabulary from categories that are often tested.
● Instantly compose sentences in English using question words after seeing the answers.
● Instantly compose sentences in English from questions to answers.
● Solve similar problems with audio.

● Enhance vocabulary used in frequently tested dialogues/paraphrasing
● Listen to dialogues with audio and grasp the main topic of the conversation.
● Instant English composition based on frequently tested conversation scenes – vocabulary and communication development skills.
● Idioms with high frequency of occurrence.
● Solve similar problems using audio from frequently tested dialogues.

● Enhance listening skills – Dictation
(Practice writing by listening to 10 types of short sentences)
● Instant English composition from given assignments based on frequently occurring talks or announcements.
● Enhance vocabulary of frequently used expository text (paraphrasing & part of speech)
● Solve similar problems using audio from frequently tested narrations.

● Grammar (Intermediate Level) [ Prepositions, conjunctions, demonstratives, comparative forms, subordinating conjunctions, adjectives, notable usage of adverbs, participle adjectives, compound adjectives, basic verbs + prepositions, idioms, gerunds, infinitives, indirect speech, etc. ]
● Review Exercise – Short sentence fill-in-the-blank practice and others
● Review Exercise – Short sentence completion problems & instant English short composition
● Enhance vocabulary using frequently occurring texts
● Comprehension check with short sentence fill-in-the-blank problems
● Instant English composition to remember the role and usage of frequently used grammar

● Speed reading technique using frequently appearing texts – Skimming
● Learning important vocabulary used in frequently appearing texts
● Comprehension check of frequently used vocabulary with fill-in-the-blank problems
● Memory practice of keywords after a first reading of frequently appearing texts
● Practicing to predict content from headlines, titles of frequently appearing texts
● Simple method to distinguish parts of speech
● Frequently occurring tense problems

● Speed reading techniques using frequently appearing texts – Skimming
● Skimming 1 – Grasp the main points of the text
● Skimming 2 – Grasp the key words of the text
● Skimming 3 – Grasp the details (such as 5W) of the text
● Skimming 4 – Grasp the ‘order of events’ and ‘cause’ in the text
● Skimming 5 – Grasp the ‘form, appearance, type’ in the text
● Learn important vocabulary used in frequently appearing texts – Paraphrasing

TOEIC Target 500 Course- Tutor Site

▮ Lesson course name:      TOEIC Target 500 Course

▮ Maximum number of lessons:  50 lessons (please take only as many as you need)
▮ Target level:     From beginners (around Eiken Grade 3) to TOEIC 490 points

▮ Main Features of the Lesson
Strengthening basic vocabulary and grammar is the most important task. We cultivate the ability to accurately listen to and read relatively short passages.

▮ Structure of the Lesson Course

▮ Lesson Details

① Learn frequently asked expressions (actions)
② Learn about scenes in situations/places with a high tendency to be asked
(Shopping mall, office, hospital, pharmacy, mechanical shop, construction, hotel, home center)

Learn basic grammar that expresses actions and states that are asked in the questions.

Instant English Composition from a Picture:
Answer simple questions and write about the picture by looking at it.
The faster you can create grammatically and syntactically correct English sentences, the faster your listening and reading comprehension will be.

Learn to paraphrase phrases that express actions:
For one action, there are abstract expressions, use of easy words, and use of difficult words.
Here, we practice changing one action or expression into another way of saying it.

Mistakable expressions:

You will listen to a short narration from the instructor and answer questions. This is a practice to be careful of tricky questions such as pronunciation and usage of phrases.

● Questions starting with interrogative words

● Questions not starting with interrogative words

● Choice questions

● Learn the adverbs used in interrogative words and answers

● Learn vocabulary in categories with a high tendency to be asked

● Instant English composition of answers from questions

● Instant English composition using interrogative words from looking at answers

● Enhance vocabulary used in frequently occurring conversations

● Remember important nouns, time, places, titles, etc. in conversations

● Solve similar questions with audio using frequently occurring conversation scenes

● Instant English composition assuming frequently occurring conversation scenes

● Enhance vocabulary used in frequently occurring explanatory text questions

● Grasp the points of the story from narrations such as phone calls and announcements, which are frequent explanatory texts

● Solve similar questions with audio using frequently occurring narrations

● Instant English composition assuming frequently occurring narrations

● Grammar (Beginner’s Level) [Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, complements, articles, auxiliary verbs]

● Review Exercise Questions – Short Sentence Fill-in-the-Blank Questions and Others

● Review Exercise Questions 2 – Short Sentence Completion Questions & Instant English Composition

● Close Reading and Reading Aloud of Frequently Occurring Documents

● Enhancing Vocabulary Using Frequently Occurring Documents

● Understanding Check with Short Sentence Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

● Short Instant English Composition Using Frequently Occurring Keywords

● Instant English Composition of Frequently Occurring Documents from Given Assignments / Fill-in-the-Blank Questions of Frequently Occurring Documents

● Enhance vocabulary used in frequently occurring documents by type Important Vocabulary

● Understanding Check: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions & Instant English Composition

● Frequently Occurring Documents: Close Reading & Reading Aloud

● Answer Questions from Test Passages

● Short Conversations Using Important Vocabulary

● Enhance vocabulary used in frequently occurring documents by type

● Understanding Check for Important Vocabulary: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions & Instant English Composition

● Frequently Occurring Documents: Close Reading & Reading Aloud

● Answer Questions from Given Texts

● Short Conversations Using Important Vocabulary

英検 EIKEN Lesson Course Summary(概要)

English Site


● Textbook クラス(準1級~5級)― 出題傾向を分析して合格までの各要点を見開き2ページでまとめてあります。左側のページで要点を解説(授業は英語になります)した後に、右側の練習問題を講師と共に解いていきます。
● Past Exam(過去問)クラス(準1級~5級)― 過去5回+追加も可能。問題形式別に徹底指導、弱点を克服、解答テクニックを取得
● Vocabulary Card クラス(2級~5級)― 各級に必要な単語、熟語、会話表現を発音をチェックしながら例文と類義語を通して覚えていきます。
● Writing(英作文)クラス(1級~3級)― 実践問題を使ったスカイプレッスン+24時間対応の添削サービス。
● Interview (2次試験-面接)対策(1級~3級)― 実践問題を使った本格レッスン
● Speaking(スピーキングテスト)対策(4級・5級)― 模範解答までの基礎から実践形式
● 添削サービス― スカイプ(ZOOM)レッスンに加え、添削サービスをご利用いただけます。

● 担当講師: 全ての講師が担当します。
● 受講プランと料金 ➤ (Course Plans and Fees)

2024年度 問題形式リニューアルに対応しています。








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