
グレアム・アリソン: 米中戦争は不可避か?


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions):

  1. What is the challenge mentioned by the speaker on the impact of China’s rise?
  2. In the speaker’s pop quiz, he mentioned that China set out its march to market at 1978. What percentage of China’s population were struggling to survive on less than two dollars a day?
  3. According to the speaker, 40 years later, how much is the percentage of the citizens on the extreme poverty level?
  4. What is the challenge, according to the speaker, will shape our world?
  5. Who is Thucydides?
  6. What is Thucydides’s Trap, and its relevance to USA-China rivalry today, according to the speaker?
  7. What did the former Czech president say upon reacting to the China’s flipping of poverty pyramid, based on the speaker’s speech?
  8. How long did it take China to renovate the Sanyuan Bridge in 2015?
  9. What did the speaker say Chinese President Xi Jinping’s goal was when he became the president six years ago?
  10. What are the good news and bad news mentioned by the speaker about the Thucydidean dynamic?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

1. How is the country China perceived by the different media in your country?

2. What aspects of Chinese culture are found in your country?

3. What do you know about China’s politics?

4. Do you agree that China should get more involved in giving solution to the global problems?

5. What can other countries learn from China?

6. How do you personally feel about China?

7. Do you purchase products with the “Made in China” label?

8. In your opinion, do expect that China will become the strongest nation in the world?

9. What do you most appreciate about China?

10. What do you see to be China’s biggest dilemma?