TOEFL スピーキング Independent Tasks 「学習ステップ」

マイチューター 「TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Advance)」 カリキュラムでは、
Question 1 ( Independent Tasks) 対策として、やや難易度の高い様々なトピックを使い、
目標スコアー 100点(Speakingセクション 25点)を目指す受講者に適した
ステップ 1 解答の組み立て 解答へ導くために用意された質問に解答する。
ステップ 2 解答作成 上の情報を基に解答文を作る。
ステップ 3 スピーキング 解答を何も見ずにスピーチする。
ステップ 4 比較と復習 模範解答を聞いて、自分の解答と比較します。
Read and answer the question following each step
▮ Question
Some people like to watch films. Others like to attend concerts. Which activity do you prefer to do? Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

STEP 1 |Organizing 解答の組み立て|Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas.
1 Do you prefer to watch films or attend concerts?
2 Why do you enjoy doing this activity?
3 What features of films or concerts are so attractive to you?
1 My preferred activity ____________________________________
2-1 First reason ___________________________________________
3-1 Details________________________________________________
2- 2 Second reason__________________________________________
3-2 Details ________________________________________________
▮ 解答例 A
1.As for me, I prefer watching films to attending concerts.
2- 1. First of all, watching films is a very relaxing activity.
3- 1. They usually last around two hours, so, during that time, I can forget about what is going on in my life and get lost in the movie, especially if it is an action movie, which I love.
2-2. Secondly, I think of films as artwork, so I try to appreciate them as works of art when watching them.
3-2. When they come together successfully, like in Citizen Kane, for example, I realize I am watching something more than a movie.
解答例 B
1 I would say I prefer attending concerts rather than watching films.
2-1. One of the main reasons is that there are so many different genres of music I like.
3-1. In the past few months, I have attended concerts performed by musicians in three different genres, thereby enabling me to hear some of my favorite songs performed live.
2-2. Another reason why I like attending concerts is that the music is much better when I hear it performed live.
3-2. My family went to a classical music concert recently.Attending the concert in person was so much better than listening to the same music on a CD.
STEP 2 |Response 解答文作成| Make your response using the above information.
As for me, I prefer _______ One of the main reasons is ________________
___________ For example, _________________________________________
Another important thing is ________________________________________
STEP 3 |Speaking 解答| Now say your response out loud, and record your time. While you are speaking, do not look at the written response
Response time: 45 seconds Your speaking time: ___ seconds

STEP 4 | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.

解答例 A films
As for me, I prefer watching films to attending concerts. First of all, watching films is a very relaxing activity. They usually last around two hours, so, during that time, I can forget about what’s going on in my life and get lost in the movie, especially if it’s an action movie, which I love. For example, no matter how many times I watch movies like Spiderman and Pirates of the Caribbean, I get lost in the stories and forget about the outside world. Secondly, I think of films as artwork, so I try to appreciate them as works of art when watching them. For example, the acting, camerawork, lighting, and many other aspects of a film are all important. When they come together successfully, like in Citizen Kane, for example, I realize I’m watching something more than a movie. This makes me appreciate watching the film even more.
解答例 B concerts
I’d rather travel in a group than alone. To begin with, traveling in a group is safer than traveling alone. If I were alone, I might have some problems, yet no one could help me, especially in a foreign country where I don’t speak the language. If I’m with a tour group, the leader almost always speaks the local language. In addition, traveling with a group can give you and your travel partners man shared experiences and lots of good memories from the trip. Since it’s more interesting to travel with others, you can get memories from your trip that will last a lifetime. That is why I prefer traveling with a group of people.