
News Course 「シャンゼリゼ通りをストリートガーデンに変える計画が承認へ 」

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パリ市長である Anne Hidalgo は、1.9kmのストリートガーデンとして、木のトンネル、緑地、歩行者エリアをシャンゼリゼ通りにつくる計画を承認した。

The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, has said there are ambitious plans to transform Paris’ famous street the Champs-Elysees. She said she wants to turn the 1.9km avenue into an “extraordinary garden”. The Champs-Elysees is in the heart of the French capital. It joins the Place de la Concorde with the Arc de Triomphe. It is often called “the most beautiful avenue in the world”. However, many Parisians believe it looks old. They want it to look more modern. Ms Hidalgo said she wants to reduce the amount of traffic on the avenue. She wants to cut the number of car lanes to make more room for pedestrians. She also wants to plant more trees to make it greener and more attractive.


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