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「Mosquitoes- 遺伝子組み換え蚊」

フロリダの科学者は、7億5000万匹の遺伝子組み換え蚊を野生に放流します。 その目的は、ジカウイルス、黄熱病、デング熱などの病気にかかっている既存の蚊の数を減らすことです。 計画は来年フロリダのキーで蚊を解放することです。
Scientists in Florida will release 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild. The aim is to reduce the number of existing mosquitoes that have diseases like Zika virus, yellow fever and dengue fever. The plan is to release the mosquitoes next year in the Florida Keys. This is a long chain of tropical islands stretching 170km south of the southern tip of Florida. The modified mosquitoes are all male. They carry a protein that will kill off any female offspring before they reach biting age. It is only female mosquitoes that feed on blood and bite humans.