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「Terror Crocodiles―恐怖のワニ」

かつて地球を歩き回ったバスと同じ大きさの巨大な「恐怖のワニ」。 この恐ろしい写真は、「脊椎動物古生物学ジャーナル」で今週発表された研究からのものです。
Gigantic “terror crocodiles” that were as large as buses once roamed the Earth. This terrifying picture comes from a study that was published this week in the “Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology”. The study is from universities in the USA. Researchers who are experts in paleontology – the study of dinosaurs – studied ancient bones found in North America. They said that the dinosaurs lived along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of what is now Canada and the USA. The giant beasts preyed on other dinosaurs and were up to ten metres in length. The researchers discovered that the prehistoric crocodiles had razor-sharp teeth that were the size of large bananas.