IELTS Writing Task 2 Basic Transition words
Transition words は、エッセーの中で、あなたが論理的に構成するためのフレーズです。
IELTSのライティングTask 2の採点基準「Coherence and Cohesion つながりと一貫性 (25%)」でスコアが計算されますので、正しく使ってスコアアップにつなげましょう。
However しかしながら
Because なぜなら
In contrast, 対照的に
In short つまり
Therefore それゆえ
In conclusion 結局
Transition words (転換語) 例文
The study conducted in Japan shows a similar result to the studies done in Singapore which revealed that more than half of students who experience much academic pressure were diagnosed with anxiety disorder. However, this result was proven otherwise by the Singapore’s Ministry of education.
Study: Transition words