TOEFL ライティング Independent Task の解答時間は30分です。
ここでは、ポイントアップに欠かせない「見直し- センテンス構成・多様性・単語」

- I decide not to get married two years ago. I could finish my university studies. My father he wanted me to get married. My parents they allow me decide. I had married, I have to stay in my husband’s home. Because in my culture, married woman, she has a duty to her husband, it’s our tradition. I choose finishing my degree instead. I will to be a graduate student in Toronto. I will earning my master’s degree in business economics.
2. I prefer students should have several short vacations throughout the year instead to one long vacation. Students work hardly and need a brake often. Students in country have several short holidays while every seasons. On the contrast, American students have one long vacation in a summer. I read a paper say that American students forgetting what they learned because the long vacation. This why I belief several short vacations is good than one long vacation.
3. There are many advantage in having friends that different to me. Such as my friend who is from Turkey learns me alot about his culture. His family is so big and my family is not big. As a result, I like to go to his house to visiting his family. I enjoy the good food. I enjoy the talking because is really cool and interesting. Other friend is an artist. My friend makes pictures and does other arts. It’s really cool. In conclusion, my artist friend is not alike me, I learn good things about art from him.
▮ エッセイに役立つ単語
advantage / contribute / examine / prefer / benefit / controversy / factor / produce / cause / dilemma / influence / provide / characteristic / effect / issue / solution / consequence / essential / necessary / view
● 修正されたエッセイを見て自分の修正と比較してください。

I decided not to get married two years ago so I could finish my university studies. My father wanted me to get married, but my parents allowed me to decide. If I had married, I would have had to stay in my husband’s home because in my culture, a married woman has a duty to her husband. It is our tradition. I chose to finish my degree instead. I will be a graduate student in Toronto, where I will earn my master’s degree in business economics.
I think students should have several short vacations throughout the year instead of one long vacation because they work hard and need breaks often. Students in my country have several short holidays during every season. In contrast, American students have one long vacation in the summer. I read a paper saying that American students forget what they learn because of the long vacation. This is why I believe several short vacations are better than one long vacation.
There are many advantages in having friends that are different from me. For example, my friend from Turkey teaches me a lot about his culture. His family is very big, and my family is not big, so I like to go to his house to visit his family. I enjoy the good food and the conversation because it is really wonderful and interesting. Another friend is an artist who paints pictures and creates other art that is very good. My artist friend is not like me, and I learn interesting things about art from him.