
簡単なスコアアップのコツ! エッセイを自己採点してみる



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?     

The best things in the life do not cost money .           

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


1.トピック(質問)はいくつのPartsから成りますか? それぞれのPartは何をたずねていますか?












Many of our favorite activities require us to spend money. Some important things in life, such as getting a good education and buying a home, cost a lot of money. However, it does not cost money to experience the best things in life: enjoying nature and being with our friends and family.

We can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature without spending money. Walking in the park, looking at the colorful leaves, and watching the snow falling are good ways to relax. Listening to the beautiful songs of birds does not cost money, but it can make us feel peaceful. Also, we can enjoy nature by having a garden. When I was a child, I helped

my grandmother in her vegetable garden. We pulled up carrots and ate them, and we watched the butterflies and birds. I have many beautiful memories of sunshine and happiness in my grandmother’s garden.

It does not cost money to spend time with our friends and family. We can visit friends and have a good time by talking and laughing. Sometimes we need a little money to go to a movie. However, our time together is more important than the money that we spend. We can do a lot of things that are free. For example, we can go to the library. When I was little, I used to walk to the library with my mother and sister every week to borrow books. When we got home, we sat on the porch and read to each other. Many of our best memories result from these simple things.

Money is necessary in our lives, but having a lot of money does not always lead to happiness. The most important things in life do not require a lot of money. If we learn to enjoy simple things, we will have many wonderful memories, and our memories are entirely free.  


  1. 質問は2つのparts. から成り立っている。



2.   はい。

3.  エッセイは introduction, body,  conclusionで構成されています。2つのBodyパラグラフは2つのサポートポイントで裏付けられています。

4.   イントロダクションではthesis (主題)とサポートポイントがわかるように述べられています。

5.  thesis(主題)はこのように述べられています。

 It does not cost money to experience the best things in life: enjoying nature and being with our friends and family.

6.  書き手は2つのサポーティング・ポイントでthesis(主題)を裏付けています。サポーティング・ポイントは裏付けとなる理由、例、個人的な経験を述べたBodyパラグラフで展開されています。

7. Body パラグラフ 1 : We can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature

without spending money. 

Body パラグラフ 2 : It does not cost money to spend time with our            friends and family.

8.  答えは様々で、以下のことが含まれています。

 walking in the park; looking at the leaves; watching the snow falling; listening to the birds; having a garden; visiting friends; going to the library; reading; and spending time with family. 

目的はthesis (主題)を裏付け展開することです。

9.  書き手は結論でthesis(主題)について述べています。

10.  はい このエッセイは評価5(満点)だと考えます。