┃TOEFL ライティング Independent Conclusion (結論)
Conclusion (結論)はエッセイの最後の文になり、1~2行で短くまとめます。
introduction (序論)で書いたエッセイの主文thesis statementと、
それを具体的に証明したbody (本論)をベースに、まとめたものを、簡潔に書く最終文となります。
エッセイの Conclusion (結論)を読んで以下の情報が入っているか確認してください。
☑ Introductionでの主張を言い換えて述べていますか(Paraphrase)
☑ 主張の繰り返し部分の最初には適切な転換語が使われていますか
☑ Topic sentenceが要約されていますか
☑ 裏付け理由がParaphrase(又は抜粋)されていますか
☑ 予言(prediction)又は推奨(recommendation)の表現がありますか(省略可)

Some people think that government should spend as much money as possible on developing space technology for the exploration of the moon and other planets. Others think that this money should be spent on solving the basic problems of society on Earth. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Society is often divided on major issues involving government spending. One group believes that we should spend as much money as possible on space exploration, while another group thinks that we should spend this money on solving basic social problems on Earth. I believe there are stronger reasons for spending on space technology because this leads to knowledge that will benefit society on Earth.
Body 1
Spending money on space technology can lead to better ways to produce food and clothing. Space travel requires special ways to preserve and store food for a long journey. Scientists also work on ways to grow vegetables and fruits in space so that astronauts can have fresh food. Scientists must develop new types of clothing made from new materials. Many of these new methods of food and clothing production also benefit people on Earth.
Body 2
Space exploration has led to important developments in communications technology. One of the first government projects in space technology was for satellite communications. Today, this technology benefits everyone who uses satellite television or telephones.
Body 3
The most important reason for spending money on space technology is that it promotes international cooperation. When the governments of several different countries work together on space projects, there is better communication between countries. The international space station is a good example of international cooperation that benefits everyone on Earth. Not only does it lead to scientific progress, but it also promotes international understanding.
In conclusion, several developments in space technology have already helped society on Earth. If we spend money on space programs, we may discover even greater knowledge that will improve our life and promote world peace.

Introduction での主張(thesis statement) を言い換えて述べている
In conclusion, several developments in space technology have already helped society on Earth.
If we spend money on space programs, we may discover even greater knowledge that will improve our life and promote world peace.
Therefore / Thus 「それゆえに」 In conclusion 「結論として」
For these reasons 「こうした理由で」 After all 「結局のところ」
In short / In summary / To sum up 「つまり」