┃ TOEFL ライティング Independent Introduction(序論)
Introductionで最も重要な部分は、thesis statement (エッセイ全体の主旨)となります。
読み手が、thesis statementを読んで、エッセイのアウトラインが
▮ 次の設問とエッセイのIntroduction(序論)を読んでください。
Some people think that government should spend as much money as possible on developing space technology for the exploration of the moon and other planets. Others think that this money should be spent on solving the basic problems of society on Earth. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Introduction (序論)
Society is often divided on major issues involving government spending. One group believes that we should spend as much money as possible on space exploration, while another group thinks that we should spend this money on solving basic social problems on Earth. I believe there are stronger reasons for spending on space technology because this leads to knowledge that will benefit society on Earth.
① 第1段落は、設問のトピックになります。
Society is often divided on major issues involving government spending.
② 次の段落は、設問にある文を解答者の言葉で言い換えています。
One group believes that we should spend as much money as possible on space exploration, while another group thinks that we should spend this money on solving basic social problems on Earth.
③ 最後の段落は、設問に対する解答者の意見になります。
こちらはThesis statementと呼ばれ、エッセイ全体の主旨(メイン・アイディア)となります。

これから展開するエッセイの本題でThesis statementを、
I believe there are stronger reasons for spending on space technology because this leads to knowledge that will benefit society on Earth.
● 賛成・反対を示す
I agree with ~ / I am in favor of ~ 「私は~に賛成です。」
I disagree with ~ / I am against~ 「私は~に反対です。」
● 意味・好みを述べる
in my opinion / from my point of view 「私の考えでは」
I prefer ~ to … 「私は…よりも~を好みます。」
● 反対の立場に触れる
Some people ~ . However, …. 「~という人もいます。しかしながら、…」
Although ~ ,… 「~ですが、・・・」