Question 3 概要
それではTOEFL iBTスピーキング Question 3の概要を理解していきましょう。
Question 3 は「読む」「聞く」「書く」の3技能が問われているため、
「integrated 問題」と呼ばれています。
Question 3で聞かれる内容は、「トピックについて説明し、
例えばトピックが “Dormancy” に関するものだった場合、以下のような質問になります。
| 質問例
The professor describes the behavior of the lungfish during the dry season. Explain how the lungfish’s behavior relates to dormancy.
Question 3 攻略法

▮ リーディング
Some animals go through periods of their lives when they stop developing for some time. This period of time is called dormancy. When an animal is lying dormant, it has two primary characteristics. First, the animal engages in a very small amount of physical activity. Often, it barely moves, as it tends to stay in one place. Also, a dormant animal has very little need for nourishment. This is connected to the fact that it is not moving and not being active. For example, when bears hibernate in winter, they are engaging in a period of dormancy.

今回の場合、トピックは” dormancy” で定義は” Some animals go through periods of their lives when they stop developing for some time” になります。
メモ取り Question 3 リーディング
課題文の構成は通常、「主題(トピック)」,「理由 / ポイント」、
● 主題(トピック)
● 理由 / ポイント
● 例、詳細
▮ リスニング
講義は通常、「主題(トピック)」、「理由 / ポイント」、「例、詳細」の順になります。
Listen to a lecture about the same topic.

● スクリプト
Now, most of you have probably heard about the lungfish and know that it is a species of fish that is actually capable of breathing air, hence the name lungfish. Well, that capability is integral to the survival of lungfish that live in Africa and South America. Here, let me tell you about what they do. Well, as you know, various places in Africa and South America have both rainy and dry seasons. During the dry season, the pools of water where the lungfish live often simply evaporate from the heat So, what do the lungfish do in order to survive? Well, they dig holes deep in the ground and cover themselves in slime and mud. This helps keep them cool In the heat. After that. they enter a period dormancy. This slows down their body functions considerably. For example their hearts might beat only three times a minutes, incredible, huh? And they might only breathe twice an hour. Simply put, they engage in almost no physical activity. They remain in this state for as long as the dry season lasts. Once the rain starts falling and the water returns, the lungfish can return to their normal existence of living in the water.
▮ スピーキング
- トピックは何か
- トピックの定義
- 教授の例は何か
- 教授の例がどのようにトピックを示しているか
- 結論 コンクルージョン
トピック は dormancy になります。
Some animals go through periods of their lives when they stop developing for some time.
the lungfish and know that it is a species of fish that is actually capable of breathing air
When the dry season comes and its pools of water evaporate, the lungfish has to dig a deep hole in the ground to live in. It then covers itself with dirt and slime and promptly enters a period of dormancy. Dormancy is a time when an animal ceases developing and slows down its bodily functions. This is exactly what the lungfish does. It doesn’t move, it slows down its heart rate, and it breathes only two times an hour.
5. 結論 トピックについて再度述べます。
Because it is lying dormant, it doesn’t need any physical nourishment. This allows the lungfish to survive until the rains come back and create more pools of water for it to live in.
● 模範解答 Sample Response
In his lecture, the professor focuses on the lungfish, a species of fish in Africa and South America that can breathe air. When the dry season comes and its pools of water evaporate, the lungfish has to dig a deep hole in the ground to live in. It then covers itself with dirt and slime and promptly enters a period of dormancy. Dormancy is a time when an animal ceases developing and slows down its bodily functions. This is exactly what the lungfish does. It doesn’t move, it slows down its heart rate, and it breathes only two times an hour. Because it is lying dormant, it doesn’t need any physical nourishment. This allows the lungfish to survive until the rains come back and create more pools of water for it to live in.