
TOEFL スピーキング 概要と攻略 (Question 3)

|TOEFL iBT スピーキング 概要と攻略法 (Question 3)

Question 3   概要

Question 3は「読む」「聞く」「書く」の複数の技能が問われているため、








Question 3で聞かれる内容は必ず、「リーディングの内容に対する学生の意見」です。



The man expresses his opinion about the students having to pay for the health club. State his opinion, and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Question 3   攻略 


▮ リーディング





Read a short passage about a campus situation.

Health Club Fees

The university plans to charge a membership fee at its health club starting in January. The fee for using the facilities will be $20 per student. The university has made this decision in light of the deteriorating condition of the equipment and the poor state of the health club itself. Renovations will be made during the Christmas break. All fees will go toward the costs of renovation and the purchase of new equipment.

| メモ取り   Question 3  リーディング





▮ リスニング



Listen to a conversation about the same topic.

● スクリプト

W :  Hey, Pete are you going to join the health club after Christmas?

M :   If it were free, sure. But since it’s not, I guess I’m not.

W :  It’s only twenty bucks.

M :  Twenty bucks Is a lot of money to some people, Sue.  These renovations and new equipment should  be paid by the university.、We pay enough here already. They charge us for everything books, lab fees, photocopying, and late fees at the library. It’s too much.

W :  Yeah, I guess so, but the health club really needs this. It’s in bad shape, and the equipment is ancient.

M :  You know most of that equipment is less than two years old? I talked to a guy in the Athletic Department, and he said it was the football coach and team that pushed for the renovations. And they don’t have to pay since they are on a sports team.

W: No, that  can’t be true. They won’t make us pay and have some others use it for free.

M: You’ll see. Wait until January. It’s not fair. If we pay. they-should pay also.

| メモ取り   Question 3 リスニング





▮ 質問と回答例


The man expresses his opinion about the students having to pay for the health club. State his opinion, and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Sample Response (回答例)

学生の意見 + 2つの理由  を述べます。

The man is not pleased that the students have to pay for admission to the school’s health club. (← Option)  Even though the fee is small, he thinks it is a lot of money for him to

spend. Plus, he states that he doesn’t like the fact that the students have to pay

for things like books, late fees, and lab fees in addition to their tuition.

He feels that the school is charging them enough for lots of different things already. (←Reason 1)  Finally, he believes that it is very unfair that members of the student body have to pay but members of the school’s sports teams do not,( ←  Reason 2) especially because the football team and coach were the ones who wanted to have the changes made.

Perfect Master (Basic) Question 1 レッスンの流れ

TOEFL スピーキング  Independent Tasks 「学習ステップ」

マイチューター TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Basic) カリキュラムでは、

Question 1  ( Independent Tasks) 対策として、比較的易しい様々なトピックを使い、


目標スコアー 61点(Speakingセクション 15点)を目指す受講者に適した


TOEFL初級者(例:英検準2級以下、TOEIC 500点以下)で

リスニングが苦手な方はリスニングのない「TOEFL特訓ゼミ Starter」



ステップ   1 解答の準備  自分の立場を示す

ステップ   2  理由、例   選択した「理由」「例、詳細」を書き出します

ステップ   3   スピーキング  上の情報を基に解答します。

ステップ   4   比較と復習  模範解答を聞いて、自分の解答と比較します。  


Read and answer the question following each step


Some students like to study alone while others like  to study in groups. Which do you think is

STEP 1   |Preference 解答の準備| State your opinion

Study with groups

Example:   I like studying in groups better than studying alone.

Your  Opinion__________________________________________


To tell the truth, I really prefer studying in groups.

STEP 2   | Reason 理由 | 選択した理由を書き出す


❶ We can correct one another.

❷ We can explain the things that we do well to others.

Your Reasons

❶ ____________________________________________________



❶ They help me stay focused on what I am studying.

❷  They help me gain a wider perspective on the subject.

STEP 3  |Response 解答| Make your response using the above information.

Example :  I like studying in groups better than studying alone. First, when I am in a group, everyone can correct one another when we make mistakes. Second, we can explain the things that we do well to others. So, if I am good at something but some other members are not, I can explain it to them to help them understand.

Your Response _________________________________________________



STEP 4  | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.

To tell the truth, I really prefer studying in groups. As a matter of fact, I often have trouble focusing when I study alone. But, when I study in a group, I can focus much better. And another thing is that if you study in a group, you can hear more opinions about the subject at hand. So the group helps me gain a wider perspective on the issue I am studying.

TOEFLスピーキング Perfect Master Basic サンプル教材


Question 2    Independent Task      意見や立場を選択する問題


Question 3         Integrated Task     大学生活に関する問題


Question 4         Integrated Task     大学の講義に関する問題


Question 6         Integrated Task     大学の講義に関する問題


Perfect Master (Advance) Question 4 レッスンの流れ

TOEFL スピーキング Question 4 学習ステップ

マイチューター 「TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Advance)」

カリキュラムでは、Question 4  対策として、



目標スコアー 100点(Speakingセクション 25点)を目指す受講者に適した



ステップ   1  リスニング &メモ取り アカデミックなトピックの講義を聞き概要をメモします。

ステップ   2   解答の構成  解答へ導くため用意された5つの質問に解答します。

ステップ  3   解答の作成 テンプレートを使い解答文を作り、スピーチをします。

ステップ   4   比較と復習  模範解答を聞いて、自分の解答と比較します。  

▮ Listen

STEP 1 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a lecture , and take notes.


I’d like to point out something about art from the past. In previous eras, making art was expensive. Most artists required patrons merely to afford the paint, canvas, and everything else they needed, and these patrons, naturally, kept most of the artwork in their homes for their own personal viewing. This made art inaccessible to most people. The artists, quite understandably, didn’t appreciate this, so they came up with two ways to enable the public to admire their work.For one, many artists began using cheaper materials. This let them work without a sponsor. This way, they could produce the art they wanted to and also retain possession of their art. They were then free to display it wherever they wanted to. This, naturally, permitted many more people to see their work. Of course, one drawback to this approach was that the lower quality of the paint and other materials meant their work often faded quickly. Fortunately, many of these works can now be restored using modern methods.Another thing artists did was to display their art both outdoors and in public places. Remember that artists didn’t just do paintings. They did statues, sculptures, and many other kinds of art. Take a look at any cathedral. There is art everywhere. Look at the statues and the stained glass window in them. They’re all works of art. And consider one of the greatest examples of art anywhere-Michelangelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel. How many thousands or millions of people have seen his artwork? He attained what most artists strive for: for the greatest number of people to admire his work.








Using points and examples from the lecture, explain the two methods artists used to enable more of the public to view their work.

 STEP 2  |Organizing 解答の組み立て| Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas

  1. What idea does the professor try to convey in the lecture?
  2. How did artists guarantee they would own the works they created?
  3. What benefit did artists gain from being the owners of their works?
  4. What is the second way that artists made their works available for public viewing?
  5. What examples does the professor give of works that could be seen in public?

  1. ____________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________
  3. _____________________________________________________
  4. ____________________________________________________
  5. ______________________________________________________


1. The main idea of the lecture is that artists did not want their work to be viewed by a limited number of people but instead desired for as many people as possible to see it.

2. In her first example, she says that artists utilized cheaper materials to avoid having patrons, who would keep the artists’ works for themselves.

3. What happened is that artists owned their own works, so they were at liberty to display them anywhere they wanted.

4. The professor then discusses how artists made sure their works were displayed outdoors or in public places.

5. She states that cathedrals are full of art like statues and stained glass windows, and she also mentions Michelangelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel.


STEP 3 |Response 解答| Make your response using the organized ideas.

The main idea of the lecture is______________________________ _

In her first example, she says________________________________

_________________________The professor then discusses how___ _________________________________________________________
In her view, _______________________________________________


STEP 4  | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.

Sample Response 模範解答

The main idea of the lecture is that artists didn’t want their work to be viewed by a limited number of people but instead desired for as many people as possible to see it. The professor covers a couple of steps artists took to ensure that this happened. In her first example, she says that artists utilized cheaper materials to avoid having patrons, who would keep the artists’ works for themselves. What happened is that artists owned their own works, so they were at liberty to display them anywhere they wanted. The professor then discusses how artists made sure their works were displayed outdoors or in public places. She states that cathedrals are full of art like statues and stained glass windows,and she also mentions Michelangelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel. In her view, doing art like this enabled the greatest number of people to see the artists’ works.

STEP 5 自己採点


1 How clearly did you speak your response?

Language Use

2 How well did you control language structures to convey your ideas?

3 How appropriately did you use vocabulary to convey your ideas?

Topic Development

4 How fully did you answer the question?

5 How coherently did you present your ideas? 

Perfect Master (Intermediate) Question 4 レッスンの流れ

TOEFL スピーキング Question 4 学習ステップ

マイチューター 「TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Intermediate)」

カリキュラムでは、Question 4  対策として、試験問題標準レベルで様々な



目標スコアー 80点(Speakingセクション 20点)を目指す受講者に適した



ステップ   1  リスニング &メモ取り アカデミックなトピックの講義を聞き概要をメモします。

ステップ   2   解答の構成  解答へ導くため用意された5つの質問に解答します。

ステップ  3   解答の作成 テンプレートを使い解答文を作り、スピーチをします。

ステップ   4   比較と復習  模範解答を聞いて、自分の解答と比較します。  

▮ Listen

STEP 1 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a lecture , and take notes.








Using points and examples from the lecture, explain the two different theories on why the dinosaurs became extinct.

 STEP 2  |Organizing 解答の組み立て| Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas

  1. What is the topic of the professor’s lecture?
  2. According to the professor, what happened when a meteor or asteroid struck Earth?
  3. Why do people believe that this strike caused the dinosaurs to become extinct?
  4. What do scientists say were the results of the eruption of a super volcano?
  5. How did the greenhouse effect make the dinosaurs extinct?

  1. ____________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________
  3. _____________________________________________________
  4. ____________________________________________________
  5. ______________________________________________________


1.  The professor describes two of the more popular theories on why the dinosaurs became extinct.

2.  After an object from space hit Earth, lots of dirt and debris were thrown into the air, which decreased the amount of sunlight getting through to Earth.

3.  Because there was less sunlight, plants died, so herbivorous dinosaurs no longer had a food source and died, and then the carnivores died soon afterwards.

4.  After a super volcano erupted, it spewed carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which caused global warming to occur rapidly.

5.  The dinosaur eggs reacted badly to the heat, so more males were born, which meant that the dinosaurs could not reproduce.


STEP 3 |Response 解答| Make your response using the organized ideas.

The professor states that dinosaurs once ____________________ _


________ The first is that _________________________________ _

The second theory Is that __________________________________ _

So ________________________________________________________


STEP 6  | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.

Sample Response 模範解答

The professor states that dinosaurs once ruled Earth but suddenly became extinct. She gives two different theories to explain their disappearance. The first is that a meteor or asteroid struck Earth. She even says that some scientists know where it hit. The strike sent dirt up into the”atmosphere, which hid the planet from the sun. It got colder, and there was no sunlight, so all the plants died. Without food sources, the dinosaurs all died. The second theory is that there was an eruption of a super volcano. This filled the air with carbon dioxide, which caused the greenhouse effect to start on Earth. When subjected to heat, lizard and dinosaur eggs change. Females in eggs become males. So there were no more females being born, which meant that the dinosaurs couldn’t reproduce.

Perfect Master (Basic) Question 4 レッスンの流れ

TOEFL スピーキング Question 4 学習ステップ

マイチューター 「TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Basic)」

カリキュラムでは、Question 4  対策として、試験問題に比べ、




目標スコアー 61点(Speakingセクション 15点)を目指す受講者に適した


TOEFL初級者(例:英検準2級以下、TOEIC 500点以下)で

リスニングが苦手な方はリスニングのない「TOEFL特訓ゼミ Starter」



ステップ   1  リスニング &メモ取り アカデミックなトピックの講義を聞き概要をメモします。

ステップ   2   解答の構成  メモを使ってKey sentencesを書き出します。

ステップ  3   解答のスピーキング  質問に対し、メモを参考に解答します。

ステップ   4   比較と復習  模範解答を聞いて、自分の解答と比較します。  

▮ Listen

STEP 1 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a lecture , and take notes.


Have you heard about the positive externality effect? The positive externality effect is kind of a difficult theory to explain. Basically, it means that certain actions in society can help society as well as the individual. Let’s see. A common example is the flu shot. People can help themselves by getting a flu shot and keeping healthy. They might save some money by not missing work, avoiding the doctor and not having to pay for medicine. They also help society as a whole by not getting others sick. This is the positive externality effect. Of course, sometimes people don’t care about society and don’t get their shots. This hurts all of society, not just the individual. The government can help by reducing the costs of the shots or forcing people to get their shots.


Subject: Positive externality effect



Detail: Help self and society at same time



 STEP 2  |Organizing 解答の組み立て| Make key sentences using the above notes

Key sentences

❶ __________________________________________________________

❷ __________________________________________________________


STEP 3 |Response 解答| Make your response using the above information.


Using points and examples from the talk, explain the positive externality effect.

Your Response _________________________________________________



STEP 6  | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.

Sample Response 模範解答

The positive externality effect is a theory that when one person or a group of people is helped by something, the effect that it has on them will positively affect society as a whole. When a person gets a flu shot for example, it helps the person who won’t get the flu and it also helps everyone else that the person might have infected to.

TOEFL スピーキング Q2 メモ取り

▮ Question 2   15秒の準備時間-メモ取り

Independent Taskでは、まず画面に問題文が現れ、





  1. Main Point 自分の答え
  2. Supporting Reason 1 (理由1)
  3. Example, Details 1  (例1)
  4. Supporting Reason 2   (理由2)
  5. Example, Details 2       (例2)
  6. Concluding Statement    (結論)





TOEFLスピーキングQuestion 4 解答に必須の表現集

TOEFLスピーキングQuestion 4  解答に必須の表現集

Question 4では、90秒~120秒程度、230~280語程度の




また、Question 4での質問内容は必ず、「講義で述べられているトピックに


Useful Expressions


1.Expressions that can be used in telling about the lecture subject


  1. The professor discussed…
  2. The lecture talked about…
  3. The entire lecture covered …
  4. The topic of the lecture was …
  5. The majority of the talk was about…
  6. The professor told her students about …
  7. The professor’s lecture mentions …
  8. He focused on …
  9. The main idea was …
  10. The professor looked into …

2.Expressions that can be used in telling about the first example


  1. The first example is ….
  2. He first cites …
  3. First, the lecturer…
  4. In her first example, she mentions …
  5. The first is that…
  6. First, he discusses .. .
  7. First of all, he covers …
  8. She first discusses .. .
  9. The first one he mentions is …
  10. His first explanation is …

3.Expressions that can be used in telling about the second example


  1. The second example is about….
  2. Next, the professor mentions…
  3. On the other hand,….
  4. The lecturer then discusses…
  5. Another thing she covers is…
  6. The second example cited is…
  7. After that, the professor talks about…
  8. The second theory is that. ..
  9. The professor’s next point Is…
  10. The second explanation deals with…

TOEFL iBT スピーキング 概要と攻略法(Question 4)

Question 4   概要

それではTOEFL iBTスピーキング Question 4の概要を理解していきましょう。

Question 6では、90秒~120秒程度、230~280語程度の




また、Question 4での質問内容は必ず、「講義で述べられているトピックに






Task 4も他のQuestionと同じく、4点満点で採点が行われ、


全体アプローチ(Holistic approach)という採点形式となります。









Task 4での評価項目も、他のTOEFLスピーキング同様以下の3つです。

  • Delivery (流れ、発音、ペース、イントネーション等)
  • Language use (文法と単語)
  • Topic development(内容-:しっかり質問に答えられているのか)

| 質問例

Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two different methods that the environmental movement uses to encourage people to care about conservation.

Question 4  攻略法 


▮ リスニング





We all know about the Importance of conservation and keeping our environment clean. But how do we convince others to do the same thing? Well, there are many ways. But I want to tell you about two of the most effective ways. The first is by utilizing moral persuasion, and the second is by encouraging people to get involved by volunteering.By utilizing moral persuasion, we can appeal to people’s sense of morality. Does everyone ­remember Smokey the Bear?, His motto was; “Only you can prevent forest fires. ” You probably remember the TV cartoon character, but  did you know Smokey was a real bear? Some firemen saved him from a forest fire. The National Forest Service used the image of a cute bear cub to encourage people to protect their environment and not start forest fires. They were using a cute animal to convey a moral message. Now, how about volunteering? Have you ever volunteered to pick up trash on the side of the road? Didn’t you feel great afterwards? Sure you did. You probably realized how much trash there was and how important it was to clean it up.  If more people started volunteering to do this, they would reach the same conclusion. They’d get out, help clean and realize they should be more responsible.

 メモ取り    Question  4  リスニング




「例、詳細」(E)、結論(C) (結論は省略しても構わない)が述べられます。



how do we convince others the Importance of conservation and keeping our environment clean.

R/P 1

utilizing moral persuasion

E  1

Smokey the Bear, who was used to help prevent forest fires. Smokey was a real bear that was saved from a forest fire, so the National Forest Service used his image as a cute bear cub to tell people they should be more concerned about protecting the environment

R/P 2


E  2

When people volunteer, first they feel good about helping. Also, they see for themselves how much work there is to do and how they need to help, so they become more responsible.

▮ スピーキング



  1. 主題 (M) 講義の主題を述べます
  2. 構成(O) 主題の「理由/ポイント」(R/P)の数を述べます。(時に省略)
  3. 第一の理由/ポイント(R/P)と例、詳細(E)
  4. 第二の理由/ポイント(R/P)と例、詳細(E)
  5. 結論(C) 主題について再度のべます(時に省略)

● 模範解答 Sample Response

The professor mentions that environmentalists often use two ways to convince people that they should care about conservation. The first is to use moral persuasion. The professor mentions Smokey the Bear, who was used to help prevent forest fires. Smokey was a real bear that was saved from a forest fire, so the National Forest Service used his image as a cute bear cub to tell people they should be more concerned about protecting the environment. The other method that environmentalists use is to convince people to volunteer. When people volunteer, first they feel good about helping. Also, they see for themselves how much work there is to do and how they need to help, so they become more responsible.

ネイティブリアル英語  get bumped  予約を取り消される



ネイティブリアル英語  get bumped  予約を取り消される

今回取り上げる表現は「”get bumped”予約を取り消される」 です。







 bumped because the flight is overbooked   







尚,bump upには座席の「グレードアップ」という意味があります

< 例文 2 >

“Where are you?” “I’m still at the airport, I’ve got bumped!”

今どこにいるの? まだ、空港だよ。予約した席が取り消されたんだ。

 < 例文 2 >

I got bumped from my flight and had to take a later flight


「 get bumped          取り消される 」 習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

I got bumped for being five minutes late! Now I have to

take a later flight.


I lost my seat for being five minutes late! Now I have to

take a later flight.


I got bumped fer being five minutes late! Now I hafta

take a lader flight.


to lose one’s seat in an airplane, train, etc.

SLANGMAN  スラングマン  レッスンコース

アメリカ英語で使われるスラングとイディオム 習得カリキュラム
