


▮ What are Gerunds? 動名詞

動名詞 1

動詞 + “ing”

例 teach + ing  = teaching
Teaching is my passion.   教えることは私の情熱です。
この場合、動名詞”teaching” は 文の中で主語の働きをしています。

▮ How to know if it functions as a noun in a sentence?

“Who” または”What”で始まる疑問文の答えになれば名詞の働きであることが分かります。
What is your passion?   の質問の答えは Teaching is my passion. になりますので、
Sheila loves to go mountain-climbing during spring.
動名詞 5
この場合、”climbing ”は “mountain ”といっしょになり、動詞として使われておりません。
“climbing” は動名詞の名詞化したもので 名詞+名詞の構造です。
What does Sheila love to do during spring?
Sheila loves to go mountain-climbing during spring. になりますから、

▮ When to use Gerunds? 動名詞の働き

主語になる動名詞 : 文の中の主語として動名詞を使います。
例: Smoking is dangerous to your health.
Diving is not allowed in this pool.

▮ 補語になる動名詞: 主語がどういうものなのかを説明するのは補語の役割

例: My hobbies is reading books.
   主語はmy hobby(私の趣味)で、それがどういうものかを、
動詞のing形を使った reading books (本を読むこと)で表しています。 
The hardest thing I can do right now is trying to sleep early.

▮ 目的語になる動名詞: Phrasal verbs (句動詞)の後にくる動名詞

《参考》Phrasal verbs (句動詞)とは動詞+前置詞(副詞)のかたまり、
例: He kept on asking me for advice.
   I gave up trying to impress you all time.
Note :  不定詞を使わないように注意すべき表現
“to” を伴う句動詞の後は動名詞を使う(不定詞は使えない)
look forward to, to take to, to be accustomed to, to get around to, & to be used to.
to につられて動詞の原形を続けないように注意する
正 I look forward to seeing you soon. (I look forward to it)
誤  I look forward to see you soon.
正   I am used to being with you all the time. (I am used to it)
誤 I am used to be with you all the time

▮ 前置詞後に動名詞を使う

例:  I love to be good at writing.
      I can make it happen after experiencing all the dilemmas.

▮ compound nouns.(複合名詞)に動名詞を使う

例 : Denise invited me over to taste her mouthwatering dish.
Scuba-diving is one of the activities I want to try.
動名詞 4

ステイシー・スミス: ハリウッドに潜む性差別のデータ


TED Talks オリジナル動画


ジョナサン・マークス: 政府は企業と協力するのではなく争うべきである


TED Talks オリジナル動画


リサ・ジェノヴァ: アルツハイマー病を予防するために出来ること


TED Talks オリジナル動画

アルツハイマー病があなたの脳の運命でなくてもいいのです—『アリスのままで』の著者リサ・ジェノヴァは言います。 この疾患の最新の研究を紹介するとともに、アルツハイマー病に強い脳を作るために私たち個人ができることについての有望な研究成果にも触れます

スチュワート・ラッセル: 安全なAIの為の3原則

TED Talks オリジナル動画
超知的な人工知能(AI)の力を享受しながら、機械に支配される破滅的な未来を避けるというのは、どうしたらできるのでしょう? 全知の機械の到来が近づきつつある中、AIのパイオニアであるスチュワート・ラッセルが取り組んでいるのは少し違ったもの──確信のないロボットです。常識や利他性その他の深い人間的価値に基づいて問題解決をする「人間互換のAI」という彼のビジョンに耳を傾けましょう。

ローラ・ガランテ: ネット情報の裏に潜む真の意図から身を守るには

TED 63
Questions :

Question: リサ・ジェノヴァ: アルツハイマー病を予防するために出来ること

Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. What did she teasingly say to those who are thinking they don’t have Alzheimer’s disease?


  1. How does this disease create a fear according to the speaker?


  1. What is the point of connection of two neurons called?


  1. What is release from synapse?


  1. Who believe that the disease begins when amyloid beta begins to accumulate?


  1. What device can detect initial step into the disease?


  1. What took place after our microglia janitor cells become hyper-activated?


  1. According to the speaker, how likely is it for us to inherit Alzheimer’s from our parents?


  1. How do deep sleep affects our brain according to the speaker?

10. What do scientist believe, according to her, about the poor sleep hygiene?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Why do people forget?
  2. What is the difference between the long term and short-term memory?
  3. How do we avoid forgetfulness?
  4. What’s the worst scenario you have had about forgetfulness?
  5. Has a family member or relative forgotten your name or birthday?
  6. How do you think it feels taking care of someone who have Alzheimer’s disease?
  7. Do you consider of working as a caregiver?
  8. How should we deal with our loved ones who have the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease?
  9. Can anyone who violate the law could be excused once he said he has Alzheimer’s disease?
  10. What would you do if your husband forgets your wedding anniversary?
  11. What are common reactions of people who realized they have forgotten little or simple things thoughtlessly?
  12. Do you fear that someday your brain would deteriorate causing you to forget often?
  13. What is the most important thing in your life that you never want to forget?
  14. Can debts be easily forgotten?

15. Do mistakes bound to be forgotten?
16. Do you feel guilty if you forgot to greet a loved-one on his/her birthday?
17. Is it a crime if you forget to bring your driver’s license if caught by a traffic officer?
18. How serious is forgetfulness as our physical condition is concern?
19. Can forgetting lead a crime?
20. Why do toddlers’ long -term memory crucial for their growth and development?
ted 62

Question: ステイシー・スミス: ハリウッドに潜む性差別のデータ

Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):


  1. What is the pressing social issue? 

2. Is storytelling important?

  1. Why is it important?


  1. What did she learn 10 years ago?


  1. How many investigations they’ve conducted?


  1. What is the good news for this crowd?


  1. Why is it so difficult to have female directors if they’re part of the solution?


  1. What are the wake of franchise successes examples?


  1. What if those A-listers simply added an equity clause or an inclusion rider into their contract?

10. What would happen if the next generation of audiences grew up with a whole different screen reality?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Do you like watching movies?
  2.  What kinds of movie are you interested in?
  3.  Have you ever seen a movie with a female lead character?
  4.  How do you think Japanese movies and Hollywood movies differ when it comes to gender roles?
  5.  Who is your favorite movie actor and actress?
  6.  Do you agree that films can not only transport us, but films can also transform us?
  7.  What comes to mind when you hear the word director? Are they always associated as boys?
  8.  What do you think is the reason why females are far more likely to be sexualized in film than their male counterparts?
  9.  What are the usual roles woman gotten in the film?
  10. . Movies exist so producers can have money. Agree or disagree?
  11. . Cite the difference between what man and what woman want in movies.
  12. . Do you think that in the future sexism in entertainment media can be eliminated?
  13. . What do you think is the best way to promote the roles of women in media?

ted 61

Question: ジョナサン・マークス: 政府は企業と協力するのではなく争うべきである

Part 1 (Comprehension Questions):

  1. How did he describe human rights in his speech?


  1. How did he describe conflict?


  1. What is his view about compromise is good; that conflict is bad but


  1. Who are referred to as the framers? What are their concerns?


  1. Explain: The constitution is “an invitation to struggle.” How and why?


  1. What were his examples of collaboration and collusion between government

7. How was the importance of struggle recognized? 

  1. What was the serious problem addressed by United Nations? To whom did

they collaborate? Why did they decide to raise such problem?
9. What benefits did corporations receive from partnerships with governments?
10. How did collaborations and partnerships become the paradigm of public
11. What should be the main concern and responsibility of governments
when collaborating with industries? 
12 . Why did he suggest that sometimes we need to engage in conflict?

PART 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. What are human rights? Where do they come from?
  2. Why should anyone respect them? Who is entitled of human rights?
  3. Who is exempted of human rights?
  4.  Why do we talk about human rights and not human responsibilities?
  5. How can defend our rights?
  6. Do you agree that constitutions will only invite struggles and hardships to its people?

7. Do you believe that corporations silently deprive us with our rights?
8. Do you believe in the sincerity of government to help its people?
9. Was there an instance that your rights were violated? How?
10. Do you think governments are doing their duty to protect the common
11. Would you accept a take-it-or-leave-it settlement in exchange for your
12. Would you fight for the rights of others?
13. Would you participate in taking actions in conflicts of your society? Why?

Question: ローラ・ガランテ: ネット情報の裏に潜む真の意図から身を守るには

Part 1 (Comprehension Questions)

  1. How to get the support of people whose foundation of democracies starts questioning about the system?

2.When has the hacking and leaks happened?
3. This is where the Democratic National Committee’s networks and the personal email accounts of its staff released last 2016.
4. What do you call on the hackers that were sponsored by Russian government?
5. When was the year APT28 group had been tracked?

  1. What country first recognize how the evolution of social media turned to the most exploitable device on the planet?

7.What do you call in the ability to use information on someone else so that they make a decision on their own accord that’s favorable for you?
8.What are the real operations that Russia did aside from hacking phone calls and e-mails and networks keep grabbing the headlines?

9. According to the speaker, this is a place where people increasingly living and it isn’t by ones and zeroes, but by information and the people behind it.
10. What does the speaker advice to her listener?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. What do you know about hacking?
  2. Why do you think hackers do what they do?
  3. Do you think hackers add to new technology developments?
  4. What do you think technology companies think about hackers?
  5. Are you worried someone could hack into your computer?
  6. What could you lose if someone hacked into your computer and how

upset would you be?
 7. Do you always download security updates to protect your computer from

  1. Do you think large companies fear hackers?
  2. Who do you think is ahead of the game, the hackers or the software companies?
  3. What kind of damage could terrorist hackers do?
  4. How does the way the Internet is structured shape its security concerns?
  5. Who matters more to the Internet’s future, states or individuals?
  6. What cyber threat concerns you the most? What is cyberwar to you?
  7. When does it begin or end?
  8. How can we build a safer cyber world?
  9. What group or organization do you think is the biggest cyber threat?
  10. Where should the power and responsibility of national governments begin and end in cyberspace?
  11. What is the role of government in securing cyberspace?
  12. Is it ok for a victimized organization to “hack back”? What are the dangers?
  13. What are the emerging and future technologies that we will have to worry the most about from a security perspective?

Part 3 (Activity):

ted 60