
Questions : クリス・アームソン: 自動運転車は周りの世界をどう見ているのか

Part 1   (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. Who invented the automobile in 1885?
  2. What does the speaker talks about the topic?
  3. How many people are killed on the world’s roads every year?
  4. In America alone how many people are killed each year in a car accident?
  5. What is the kind problem that is getting worse in our roads today?
  6. What does the conventional wisdom says?
  7. What year they had the first test of a self-driving car where they let regular people use their car?
  8. What invention does the speaker is introducing?
  9. What year do they first test a self-driving car and let regular people use it?
  10. What statement they thought after letting the people used the self-driving car?


Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. What will driving be like in the future?
  2. How safe do you think is the self-driving cars?
  3. Do you want to have self-driving car in the future?
  4. Do you think self-driving cars will be use in the future? Why or why not?
  5. In your own idea do you think that self-driving cars could lessen traffic jam?
  6. Can you drive a car?
  7. Are you a good driver?
  8. Have you ever been in a car accident?
  9. Are the drivers in your area where you live good drivers?
  10. Do you know anything about repairing or maintaining a car?
  11. Do you prefer driving or riding public transportation?
  12. What kind of car do you prefer?
  13. What are the advantages/disadvantages of buying a car?
  14. If you were going to get a new car, what kind of car would you get? A luxurious car? A sports car? A hybrid or electric car?
  15. What kind of cars do you think look the best?
  16. What is the fastest you have gone in a car?
  17. Do you think cars are safe?
  18. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of driving versus public transportation?
  19. What do you think cars will be like in the future?
  20. Do people drive well in your country?


Part 3   (Activity): Multiple Choice:

ted 7
ted 8
ted 9