
Questions スティーブン・ペトラネック: 火星に移住する子供達が生き抜く方法

Part 1   ( Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. How many people are going to colonized Mars?
  2. How big is planet Mars?
  3. How’s the atmosphere in Mars?
  4. What about its temperature?
  5. How’s the days , seasons and years in Mars?
  6. What is Stephen afraid of that may happen to earth?
  7. For those who dream of flying one day, what Mars could offer?
  8. What is the most livable planet?
  9. What is the distance between Moon and Mars?
  10. When can we land Mars based on the speaker’s theory and how?


Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. What do you know about Mars?
  2. Do you think there was/is life on Mars?
  3. Martians are from Mars; do you know what life forms on other planets might be called? 4. Are you interested in the secrets Mars holds?
  4. Would you like to go to Mars one day?
  5. Why are scientists so interested in Mars?
  6. Do you think it’s possible that one day, many people will live on Mars?
  7. What do you think of the idea often described by scientists that life started on Mars and moved to Earth, which means we are Martians?
  8. What would you like to know about Mars?
  9. Why is Mars red?
  10. When do you think people will visit Mars?
  11. Do you think it is possible that humans could ever live on Mars?
  12. What will happen to the travelers during their trip to Mars?
  13. Do you want to go to Mars forever? Why/not?
  14. Do you want to go to Mars but come back to Earth? Why/not?
  15. Where do you want to go for a long time? How long do you want to go there?
  16. What will we need, and how can we get all these things? Health & Terra forming?
  17. Why would we want live on Mars?
  18. What facts do you know about the planet Mars? Share with the class.
  19. If life is found on Mars, how does that change our views on life? What are the implications for politics, religion, philosophy and other human institutions?


Part 3   (Activity): Vocabulary Match

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