IELTS リスニングテストで高得点を取るには、リスニングスキルは基より、
- 放送内容のポイントをできるだけ素早く書き取る―スペルは気にしない
➡ Note-taking

- 解答用紙にゆっくりと正確に書き出す―-スペルを間違えない
➡ Spelling
スペリング 基本単語は必ず書けるようにする!
IELTS リスニングテストでは、基本単語のスペリングは重要です。
□ 間違えやすい基本単語を知り、練習する
Spelling 問題にチャレンジ!

- I am looking for some _________________. A. accommodation B. acommodation C. accomodation D acccomoddation
2. I don’t know what to ______________
A, beleve B. believe C . beleave D. beleeve
3. Rome is a very ___________ city. A. beautifull B. beatifull C. beautiful D. beutiful
4. I don’t want to _________ your gift, it is too expensive.
A. acsept B. expec C. except D. accept
- We will need to do some more ____________. A. riserch B research C reserch D. reaserch
- I don’t know what you are ____________ to. A. referring B. refferring C. refering D. reffering
- That is a completely __________ matter. A. differrent B. different C. diffrent D. diferent
- I would ____________ that you read more A. reccommend B. recomend C. recommend D.. reccomend
- That is not really ______________ A. sufficient B. suficient C. sufficent D. suficient
10. They should carry out routine _____________.
A. maintainance B. maintenence C. maintainence D. maintenance
11. That is an interesting ________________.
A. development B. developement C. developpemnt D. developmant
12. You should do this _______________.
A. imediately B. immediatly C. imediatly D. immediately
13. I don’t know _________ I should go or not.
A. wether B. wheather C. weather D. whether
14. One day I want to be _____________.
A. sucessful B. successfull C. succesful D. successful
15. He ____________ to live in Bristol.
A. prefered B. preferred C. preffered D. prefferred