
特にNO MORE THANという指示には気を付けてください。
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer.
とある場合は、「2語以内の単語 又は 数字1つ」あるいは、「2語以内の単語 + 数字1つ」

① Multiple-Choice (多項選択式)
- Choose the correct letter, A,B or C. (文字を選ぶ)
- Choose TWO letters A – E. (文字を選ぶ)
- Circle the correct letters A – C. (文字に丸をつける)
- Circle THREE Letters A – E. (文字に丸をつける)
② Matching (組み合わせる)
- When did the following events take place ?
- Write the correct letter, A, B or C next to questions 1- 4 .
- Write the appropriate letters A – C against questions 1 – 4 .
- What does lecture say about …. ?
- Choose your answers from the box and write the correct letter A – G next to questions 21 – 24 .
③ Short Answer (短く答える問題)
- Answer the question below.
- Write NO MORE THAN TWO WOEDS or A NUMBER for each answer
- List THREE things…
- Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer
④ Sentence Completion (文を完成させる)
- Complete the sentences below.
- Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
⑤ Labeling a map / diagram (地図・図表を完成させる)
- Label the map below.
- Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter A –G next to questions 17 – 20.
- Write NO MORE THAN WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.
⑥ Form Completion (書式・メモ・表・フローチャート・要約を完成させる)
- Complete the application form using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.
- Complete the table below.
- Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.
③ 〜 ⑥ は解答用紙に単語や数字を書かせる問題です。答えが分かっていても、スペルミスや複数の「s」の付け忘れがあると点数になりません。基本的な単語のスペルは書けるようにしてください。