
バイリンガルがこっそり教える勉強法  鏡の前で練習!?

Gladysグラディス | IELTSインストラクター

Written/Edited by Gladys Glenda   

留学・ビジネス英語に強い  オンライン英会話 マイチューター

▮ 一人でもできるスピーキング練習 鏡の前で話す効果は? 

スピーキングの上達はとにかく毎日話すことです。 そうは言っても 「話す相手がいない」ことも多いですよね。 相手がいなくてもスピーキングの練習ができる効果的な方法があります。 しかもこの練習法はIELTSスピーキングにも最適なんです。

鏡の前で何か身近なトピックを話してみてください。 話す時に注意することがあります。 必ずアイコンタクトボディーランゲージを気にしてください。  IELTSスピーキングは試験管と1対1の対面式で行われます。 鏡に映った自分を試験管に見立て目を見ながら話してみましょう。 もちろん、ずっと凝視する必要はありません。 話す時間の50%〜70%が妥当です。

また、ボディランゲージを使い身体で表現することも大事です。 身体を使うことで、あなた自身がリラックスでき、アイディアを言葉にするのが楽になります。 また、言いたいことが試験管にもよく伝わることで評価も上がります。


▮ 話す内容は身近なこと




  • Describe your family

  • Do you have a large or small family?

  • How much time do you spend with your family?

  • What do you like to do together as a family?

  • Do you get along well with your family?

  • Are people in your country generally close to their families?


  • What do you do?

  • What are your responsibilities?

  • How many hours do you work each day?

  • Do you enjoy your work?

  • Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

  • If you could change your job or profession, what would you do?

  • Describe the process of getting a job in your country.

  • Describe the company or organization you work for.

  • What is your position?

  • What do you like about your job?

  • What do you dislike about your job?


  • Describe your education.

  • What kind of school did you go to as a child?

  • Did you go to a co-educational school?

  • What was your favorite subject as a child?

  • Who was your favorite teacher?

  • What is the education system like in your country?

  • Do you think your country has an effective education system?


▮ 何度も繰り返し練習すること



「Fluency and  Coherence・・・話しぶりの流暢さ、首尾一貫」はIELTSスピーキング評価基準です。 上のトピックスを流暢にはなせるまで練習を続けてください。



This is a strange sounding piece of advice, but it can be very practical, talk to a mirror – especially if you don’t have a speaking partner. The idea is that when you practice speaking, you should sit in front of a mirror and speak to yourself. It can work because: eye contact is extremely important in all parts of the test. Examiners are influenced by candidates who make eye contact – even though they may not be aware of this. Typically, the candidate who makes good eye contact gets a more generous mark because they seem to be communicating better as body language. The other point is that, for most people, sitting and looking at themselves in a mirror is an uncomfortable experience. After that, the exam will seem easy!

The following are some sample topics and questions that are usually asked during the speaking part of the IELTS exam or the International English Language Testing System. You can use the following and practice your speaking skills in front of a mirror or with someone who knows the use of English language properly. Practice makes perfect and good luck!


  • Describe your family

  • Do you have a large or small family?

  • How much time do you spend with your family?

  • What do you like to do together as a family?

  • Do you get along well with your family?

  • Are people in your country generally close to their families?


  • What do you do?

  • What are your responsibilities?

  • How many hours do you work each day?

  • Do you enjoy your work?

  • Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

  • If you could change your job or profession, what would you do?

  • Describe the process of getting a job in your country.

  • Describe the company or organization you work for.

  • What is your position?

  • What do you like about your job?

  • What do you dislike about your job?


  • Describe your education.

  • What kind of school did you go to as a child?

  • Did you go to a co-educational school?

  • What was your favorite subject as a child?

  • Who was your favorite teacher?

  • What is the education system like in your country?

  • Do you think your country has an effective education system?

Speak Freely. This is easy to say but hard in practical, but try don’t be nervous during or before test. Examiners are friendly persons so try to converse them like friends.


One of the 4 criteria the IELTS Speaking is assessed on is Lexical Resource. What does this mean?

a. Show your knowledge of English grammar by using a range of words.

b. Show your knowledge of English vocabulary by using a range of words.

c. Show your knowledge of English pronunciation by using a range of words.