
簡単なスコアアップのコツ!  内容を少しふくらませる

▮ 話す内容を少しだけふくらませるのがコツ!


答えはYes / No  や一言で終わらせないでください。 必ず、理由具体例を付け足して、話をふくらませて回答します。 パート1では「クローズド・クエスチョン」が多いので質問は受験者の身近な話題です。


例えば、「あなたは何か国語が話せますか?」 という質問に対し、 「私は日本語と英語の2か国語です」だけでは大した評価は得られません。「私は英語と日本語の2か国語を話します。英語は10歳の頃から勉強しています。 小学高の授業で英語を学び始めました」くらいの内容と長さが必要です。

lelts 2

▮ 必ず理由を添える


▮ 短い答えは試験管との雰囲気を壊す!

もし、短すぎる答えで終えてしまうと、試験官は、理由や具体的な例を聞いてきます。そうすると、会話が受け身になり過ぎて雰囲気が悪くなったりもします。 試験官が求める理想的な長さで「理由」や「具体例」を添えて話せれば、採点基準である「流暢な話しぶり」をアピールできることに加え、スムーズに次の質問に移ることができます。

International English Language Testing System is the world’s leading test of English for higher education, immigration and employment. If you can speak confidently, clearly and make your ideas understood, there is no reason why you shouldn’t get a reasonable speaking test score. Remember:

A. Extend your answers appropriately.

For example:

Question:” How many languages do you speak?”

Answer: “Two. Japanese and English.”

Better would be:

Answer: “I speak two languages. My first language is Japanese and I speak English too. I’ve been learning English since I was 10. I started learning it when I was in primary school.”

B. Extend your answers by giving reasons.

For example:
Question:Do you often go to movie theaters?”

Answer: “No, I don’t.”
Better would be:

“No, I don’t really like going to movie theaters because they’re expensive and I don’t like crowds very much.”

C. A simple “yes” or “no” is not sufficient.

For example:
Question: Have you visited any English speaking countries?
Answer:Yes. (Don’t stop there!)

Better would be:

Yes. I went to England last year and spent two weeks seeing the sights. A couple of years ago I went to New York with my parents and had a great time.


For example:
Question: Do you play any sports?
Answer:No. (Don’t stop there!)

Better would be:

No. I’m not really interested in playing sports. I like watching sports on TV and I really enjoyed keeping up with the Olympics recently.

Remember to answer every point you make with details.Offer examples to help you explain a statement.Giving full, relevant answers to the examiner’s questions will help you get the interview off to a good start. Be aware, however, that very long answers are not always a good idea. It is possible that you will go off topic and lose coherence.



How many sections are there in IELTS Speaking Test?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4