
Questions セバスチャン・スラン「Googleの自動運転車で目指していること」

Part 1   (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What age did he lost his best friend to a car accident?
  2. What is DARPA?
  3. Tell me a summary of Sebastian Thrums Experience.


Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. How old were you when you first learned to drive?
  2. Was there anything difficult about learning to drive?
  3. Can you drive a car?
  4. Can you drive a manual shift car?
  5. Do you have a car?
  6. If so, what kind of car do you have?
  7. What are the advantages of owning a car?
  8. What are the disadvantages of owning a car?
  9. Are you a good driver?
  10. Have you ever been in a car accident?
  11. Do you allow passengers to eat inside your car?
  12. What are the advantages/disadvantages of buying a secondhand car?
  13. Do you wash your car yourself or do you have it washed?
  14. Do you think that there is a relation between global warming and cars?
  15. Have you ever seen a “hybrid” car?
  16. What do you know about “hybrid” cars?
  17. Do you really think that car manufacturers are interested in global warming?
  18. How often do you need to get your car repaired?
  19. On what occasions do you honk your car horn?
  20. What do you think of international car-free days?
  21. Can you recall any memorable car drive in your life?
  22. What are the most frequent driving offenses?
  23. What factors are responsible for railway crossing accidents?
  24. According to insurance statistics women are better driver than men. Do you agree? 25. What do you think of car pooling?


Part 3   (Activity): PREPOSITIONS

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