
Questions  パメラ・メイヤー: 嘘の見抜き方

Part 1  (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):

  1. How often are we lied to on an average day?
  2. What does she say about when strangers meet for the first time?
  3. What does she say about the difference between men and women?
  4. What does she say about marriage and relationships?
  5. What does she say about how children develop their deception skills?
  6. She says we live in a post truth society, what does she mean by that?
  7. What are the speech patterns of a liar we see in the Clinton video?
  8. What are the body language patterns?
  9. What other videos did she show?
  10. What did she say about the attitudes of honest/dishonest people?


Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Why do people lie?
  2. What lies do couples tell each other?
  3. Are these little white lies?
  4. How often do normal people distinguish a lie from the truth?
  5. Are you a good liespotter?
  6. How often do you lie?
  7. When is it okay to lie?
  8. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
  9. Have you ever lied in a job interview?
  10. Has a lie someone told you ever hurt you?
  11. What do you think of liars?
  12. People often say: “It’s easy to tell when politicians lie – they move their lips.” Do you agree with this?
  13. Do you think white lies are OK?
  14. Do you think you could lie and beat a lie detection test?
  15. What would you do if someone spread lies about you?
  16. Do you feel guilty when you tell a lie?
  17. Do you think it is ok to lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings?
  18. At what times do you appreciate people being honest with you?
  19. Is it ever all right to give only a partial truth?
  20. What are some common situations when people are sometimes dishonest ?ted 6